Atheist Community Of Nudists

This group is dedicated to promoting atheism, critical thinking, and the separation of church and state. All while being our most natural and secular human selves au naturale! What is an Atheist?An Atheist is simply someone who disbelieves or lacks a belief in the existence of God or gods. The worldview of an Atheist can change from person to person and should be examined outside the context of...

Your weekly logical fallacy: the gambler's fallacy

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Time to cash in your chips, roll the dice, and double down on this week's logical fallacy known as the gambler's fallacy! You said that 'runs' occur to statistically independent phenomena such as roulette wheel spins. This commonly believed fallacy can be said to have helped create an entire city in the desert of Nevada USA. Though the overall odds of a 'big run' happening may be low, each spin of the wheel is itself entirely independent from the last. So whilst there may be a very small chance that heads will come up 20 times in a row if you flip a coin, the chances of heads coming up on each individual flip remain 50/50, and aren't influenced by what happened before. Example: Billy No Pants has come up first on my search on True Nudists every time I am looking for new people who might be interested. With the number of people on this site it is impossible anything but fate let me to the profile. The funny part about this is that many theists will talk about the odds of Earth happening exactly as it has which starts to slide into another fallacy that will be covered some weeks later. Odds and statics could logic our way into the possibility of a god, but without hard evidence the most you can get to is some nebulous version which can just be easily hand waved away.

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