Atlanta Area Guys Social Group

This group is for men in the Atlanta area who are serious about getting together once a month or more. Activities include dinners, movies, games, pool parties, etc.

Massage Swap

Love massage, but can't afford to have them as often as I would like. I'm very good with my hands but not a pro. Let me know if you'd like to trade rubs. No age or size restrictions, no experience necessary. Contact me directly at...

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Massage group meeting Sunday Dec 15 @ 1:30

A nude massage group for guys is scheduled to meet on Sunday 12/15 from 1:30 to 4:00.The venue is in Decatur near Emory University. Contact me for details.If you have never experienced a multiple hand massage, you are really missing a great...

Off to a great start!

We had a great naked group of 6 guys for dinner and discussionlast night. Thanks to all the guys who attended. The next eventwill be held on a Sunday afternoon in August. Group membercomments and suggestions are always welcome. I am thinkingabout...

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Welcome New Members

Glad you decided to join. I noticed that there is a lot of discussion on this site about getting together as a group, but that does not seem to be happening. So I thought a private group might work where the members got specific about setting...

Privacy in this group

Please be advised that ANYONE can see our postings here, but onlyMEMBERS can reply or post. For that reason, only general announcementswill be displayed here. Specific info about meeting places will need to becommunicated via email or texted to your...

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