Atlanta Area Guys Social Group

This group is for men in the Atlanta area who are serious about getting together once a month or more. Activities include dinners, movies, games, pool parties, etc.

Welcome New Members

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Glad you decided to join. I noticed that there is a lot of discussion on this site about getting together as a group, but that does not seem to be happening. So I thought a private group might work where the members got specific about setting preferences to meet regularly. I can sometimes host. Week nights are best for me after work.Since you are here, you have expressed a desire to meet otherguys in Atlantafor naked events. Please share with the group or message me with what you would like to do (dinner, movie, gaming, etc.) so that we can start to form a core of interested members to meet once or more every month. Hope to meet you soon!

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RE: Welcome New Members

Lots of ideas for what to do: naked movie nights, pool parties (does anyone have a private back yard?), social hour with drinks and hors d'oeuvres, potluck dinners, card or board game nights. If anyone has a large private yard, maybe sunbathing and frisbee or other games or a cookout. Where? I live in town, but can generally travel anywhere in the area for a good time.When? My schedule is pretty open. Evenings and weekends are equally good. I'd be willing to host, but don't have a private yard (dammit!), so would be limited to an indoor activity, which would somewhat limit the size of the group.

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