Aussie Beer Connoisseurs

Discuss your favorite beers. Mine in order Little Creatures Pale Ale Matilda Bay Fat Yak XXXX BITTER Blue Sky Pilsener

Great Beers of oz

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There are so many New and fantastic Micro breweries around.What are your favourites?Iv'e been to a few, Some would say too many.Mostly Victoria and New South Wales.
But I'm no expert, Just know what I like.My favourites are Hop Dog in Nowra, Moondog in Abbotsford, Thirsty Crow in Wagga Wagga, Mountain Goat in Richmond, Bullant in Bruthen and Bridge Road in Beechworth, Just name a few.They all have a variety of great beers.My favorite main stream brewery is Coopers in Adelaide.
Like to get UR thoughts.

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RE: Great Beers of oz

My Favourite easy drinking beer at the moment is Mountain Goat Summer Ale.There Stream ale and Hightale ale are also good.
My favourie Moondog Beers are Jukebox Hero IPA and Love Tap which is a cross between a lager and an IPA.
My favourite beer of all time is Moondog Jumping the shark.A seasonal brewed with Tassie Black Truffles Months in Cognac barrels, A big Stout with lots of flavour.They only do one batch a year so its hard to come by.
A must try for any beer connoisseur at least once in there life. Usually sell for $25/375ml.

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