Autistic Nudists
Autistics of any part of the spectrum can come here to discuss things from nudism to simply sensitivity to clothes.
anyone employed?
Return to Discussionsi work at a Jo-Ann store.
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- 9 years ago
RE: anyone employed?
i work at a Jo-Ann store.
I work as a healthcare assistant in a home for people with neurological disorders.
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- 9 years ago
RE: anyone employed?
that's actually really cool
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- 9 years ago
RE: anyone employed?
I have been employed since I left school, and professionally ever since I left university. Been through quite a few jobs, some more accommodating than others. I am now a university lecturer, and it suits me very well.
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- 9 years ago
RE: anyone employed?
I work full time as a medical biller. (no public contact except on the phone)
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- 9 years ago
RE: anyone employed?
neat, Mark!
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- 9 years ago
RE: anyone employed?
i work at a Jo-Ann store.
I, Mike, am disabled. Barb worked 10 yrs. at Marshalls, back in Wis. Now she works at Bojangles'. It will be going on 3 yrs.
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- 8 years ago
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