Avid Naked Readers

For those who love to read, either old fashioned paper books ( and my preferred way) or the new fangled ebooks. There was a book reading nudist group at one time but i have not found any trace of it. So this will fill the void.

Most resent books read.

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I read "King Solomon's Mines" by H. Rider Haggard. Published 1885. The book has a similar theme with "How I found Livingstone" by Henry Morton Stanley published 1872 and "Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, published 1899.

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RE:Most resent books read.

I read "Program for a Healthy Brain" by Russell Blaylock published 2008. He suggests: avoiding polyunsaturated fats, flax seed oil ,glutamate, processed foods,and sugar. Use extra virgin olive oil eat fruits and vegetables and drink filtered water and exercise every day and avoid beef.

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RE:Most resent books read.

My most recent was The Lost City of Z by David Grann. It is the story of the explorer Percy Fawcett, who disappeared in the Amazon in his obsessive quest to find a lost city.

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RE:Most resent books read.

I also like history, as well as many other subjects. I'm currently about halfway through Gibbons' "History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". It's going slowly - I generally get through about ten pages a night, just before going to bed.

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RE:Most recent books read.

I recently read Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and also So You Want to Talk About Race. I really recommend the latter to white people who don't know where to start learning about racism, or who understand the basics but want to build vocabulary for talking about anti-racism or start correcting behaviors they may not have realized they were doing that helped perpetuate societal racism. (I also recommend the former book for people who are into spy novels. It's a classic.)

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RE:Most recent books read.

I think the tinker book was made into a mini series with Tom Huddleston

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RE:Most recent books read.

Slogging my way through Annie Proulx's Barkskins right now. She's a good writer, but it's a thick novel, and it is a slog. Just read Swimming in the Dark, by Tomasz Jedrowski: a gay coming-of-age novel set in Poland in the years just before the fall of the Soviet empire; fascinating.


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