Avid Naked Readers

For those who love to read, either old fashioned paper books ( and my preferred way) or the new fangled ebooks. There was a book reading nudist group at one time but i have not found any trace of it. So this will fill the void.

Pace picked up recently

For some reason my book reading pace was slower this year than the past few. But the past month I have tried to make up for it. Been reading my goal of 3 books in 2 weeks. From a sci-fi fiction , my first in a while, to true tales of a giant...

Ever thank an author?

I thought I had posted on this topic before but scanning back through it did not jump out at me. Have you ever taken the time to find out how to contact an author and thank them for a good read? I try to do for lesser known authors. Many of the...

Stephen King

I had avoided Stephen King finding that this writing was too weird for me. However, I have now read several of his books and find that they are still well written and imaginative even if weird! Years ago I had watched the movie "Pet...

David Gerrold

Any other David Gerrold fans here? Yes, he's done more than write for Star Trek and be the father to the Tribbles. My favorite of his is The Man that Folded Himself.

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Here's a new book!

An "Elite Reader" hardcover, priced like a paperback. It's meant to be saved. It's a romance, and . . . well, lessons of life.

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Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon

If anyone wants a good fiction/history/romance/fantasy series to read, try Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Yeah, I'm a guy and I did say romance, but Gabaldon's an excellent writer and she's woven such an excellent story combining...

ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

I can think of a couple of books that everyone was raving about and reading, yet when I tried reading them, I simply could not get into them. The first one that comes to mind is Game of Thrones. I bought the trade paper when the TV series was first...

Reading habits

I read two or three books at the same time, not always the same subject or genre.

who's on goodreads.com?

anybody else on goodreads.com? i'm XtopherCB there, feel free to add me. :)

slower pace this year than last

Last year I tracked close to 1.5 books a week, this year nearing the half way point I am only at 1 book per week. Seems like I pick up my &*^% phone and surf the web too much, must go back to paper and crack a book more. One of the cutest books...