Avid Naked Readers

For those who love to read, either old fashioned paper books ( and my preferred way) or the new fangled ebooks. There was a book reading nudist group at one time but i have not found any trace of it. So this will fill the void.

ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

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I can think of a couple of books that everyone was raving about and reading, yet when I tried reading them, I simply could not get into them.

The first one that comes to mind is Game of Thrones. I bought the trade paper when the TV series was first out and tried to get into it. Fantasy and history are two topics I have enjoyed but I simply could not get into it and after 70 or so pages put it aside. Here is where it gets funny. I was going through old books and found a stock size copy of Game of Thrones that I had bought years before and guess what, there was a bookmark in it about the same place that i had abandoned it the 2nd time around.

The other book that was highly praised and rewarded that i could not get into was The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon . I honestly tried and got bogged down, it never grasped me and i still can't figure out what the critics were so gaga over.

Do you have books that most everyone else praises and you scratch your head as to why waste your time to read?

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RE:ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

My tastes are far enough out of the mainstream that I usually don't do that, because I don't pick up the popular book in the first place unless the blurb makes it sound like something I'd like. I don't pay a lot of attention to what the critics and reviewers say.

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RE:ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

i tend to agree with you. I don't put too much credit in movie reviewers either. learned my lesson from seeing some real crap that some hollywood know it all praised. But I have often read best sellers that the subject interests me and have thoroughly enjoyed. Unbroken and Seabiscut, come to mind.

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RE:ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

I had the same experience you did with Game of Thrones: I forced myself to finish it, but by the end I realized that if it had been a page longer, I would have up-chucked.

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RE:ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

I never did understand all the hoopla over Game of Thrones. If the book is as dumb as the TV series then I'm definitely not reading it.

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RE:ever been the one that did not enjoy it?

Oh, definitely!
Despite their being such an influence, I really don't like Asimov's writing style, and the only works of Clarke that I like are the 2001 series.

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