Avid Naked Readers

For those who love to read, either old fashioned paper books ( and my preferred way) or the new fangled ebooks. There was a book reading nudist group at one time but i have not found any trace of it. So this will fill the void.

If you were to recommend a book that you have read to others which one would it be?

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One fiction and one non-fiction And please share what was so appealing about the read

Here are mine

Fiction : Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter Set in the early 60s around the real filming of the movie Cleopatra, it is a hilarious and yet moving romp of romance, and human folly. One prolonged description about a stereotypical Hollywood persona had me laughing out loud for a long time

Non-fiction The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. the story of the 1936 rowing team from the Pacific Northwest who won the Olympic Gold literally under Hitler's nose at the Berlin Games 1936. Very well written and would make an excellent feel good movie about a group of men who deserved to have history know their story.

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RE:If you were to recommend a book that you have read to others which one would it be?

Fiction" Gala'pagos" by Kurt Vonnegut published 1985. The novel is a satire on the Gala'pagos Islands in "The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Published in 1859. Non-fiction, "We Now Know" Rethinking Cold War History, by John Lewis Gaddis. Published 1997. This is a concise evaluation of the Cold War by the most renowned author of the twentieth century.

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Dystopian Novels

You should consider " The Trial" by Franz Kafka 1925, " It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis, 1935, "Player Piano" by Kurt Vonnegut 1952, "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut 1961, and, "Plot Against America" by Philip Roth 2002.

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