Avid Naked Readers

For those who love to read, either old fashioned paper books ( and my preferred way) or the new fangled ebooks. There was a book reading nudist group at one time but i have not found any trace of it. So this will fill the void.

slower pace this year than last

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Last year I tracked close to 1.5 books a week, this year nearing the half way point I am only at 1 book per week. Seems like I pick up my &*^% phone and surf the web too much, must go back to paper and crack a book more.

One of the cutest books read has been The 100 yr Old Man Who Climbed Out a Window and Disappeared. Written in Swedish , whoever translated it did a great job of putting it in English but keeping the Scandinavian feel and setting.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:slower pace this year than last

I don't really track how many books I read during the week, because I usually have several going at once (an audiobook for driving, a physical book for bedside reading, and a combination of ebooks, physical books, and magazines at times during the day). That said, I'm a near-constant reader. Any time I have available will see me reading something - even an ebook on my phone when standing in line.

I listened to the "100 Year Old Man..." as an audiobook, and enjoyed it. I'll join you in recommending it to people - it's a good one.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:slower pace this year than last

I keep a running list of actual paper books that i read. it goes back to 1976 no that is not a typo. Book title , author, date finished and number of pages. I might be doing more driving for work and need to figure out how to listen to some books. years ago I listened to Barbara Bush's book with her being the reader. Quite entertaining.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:slower pace this year than last

Impressive! I've got a list of books that I own, but I haven't kept track of what I've read.

For listening to audiobooks in the car, I have a de-activated iPhone that I load books from librivox.org on to and then plug into the aux jack in my car. I've also listened to CD audiobooks on the car's CD player. Before I had a car with a CD player, I used a small portable CD player connected to a low-powered FM radio transmitter that plugged into the player's audio port. Then I'd tune my car radio to the FM frequency of the transmitter to receive the signal.

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  • 7 years ago