Avid Naked Readers
For those who love to read, either old fashioned paper books ( and my preferred way) or the new fangled ebooks. There was a book reading nudist group at one time but i have not found any trace of it. So this will fill the void.
Nudist Book Club
Return to DiscussionsIs anyone interested in starting a book club? In which we pick a book and discuss it over Skype.
- 5 months ago
I might be. What genre of book would you most likely to discuss?
- 5 months ago
A book with no cover or dust jacket? (A Nude Book)
Seriously, though - we are avid readers and might be interested depending on the book. I'm finishing a Michael Connelly mystery today, and Mrs Southern is finishing probably her third book for the week.
- 5 months ago
We would join, i just started a john baldwin book, mrs is finishing up one.
- 5 months ago
I'm open to a wide range of genres, both fiction and nonfiction. Book suggestions from other nudists have not disappointed. Some authors that have caught my attention in fiction are Kafka, Stefan Zweig, Flannery O'Connor, and Faulkner. Recently I finished a historic narrative by Hampton Sides. Any of his books or ones like his would be enjoyable.
Message me with any suggestions. If you have Skype we can form a group and see if a decision can be reached.
- 5 months ago
Could be fun
- 5 months ago
I am interested and would join.
- 5 months ago