Backyard Nudists

This is a group for those who may be Home Nudists or those who cannot always get to a Nudist Colony, Camp, or Resort and therefore take things into their own backyard! Whether your backyard is private enough or not, perhaps you lay out nude, skinnydip, garden, or mow the lawn, this group is for you!

Took advantage of the warm weather yesterday to do some yard work and have a snack nude around the pool.

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RE:Warm weather

Yeah, we've had some really nice weather here as well and have been spending several hours sun bathing around the pool.

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RE:Warm weather

Its getting warmer over here in the UK, soon will be back to gardening naked !

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RE:Warm weather

Took advantage of the warm weather yesterday to do some yard work and have a snack nude around the pool.

Same for yesterday.

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RE:Warm weather

Today I read magazine, opened and sorted the mail and checked email and social media.

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