Backyard Nudists

This is a group for those who may be Home Nudists or those who cannot always get to a Nudist Colony, Camp, or Resort and therefore take things into their own backyard! Whether your backyard is private enough or not, perhaps you lay out nude, skinnydip, garden, or mow the lawn, this group is for you!

How to deal with neighjbors...

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...who can possibly look over the fence? I've seen a lot of topics but the most recent one close is about " close are your neighbors..." almost a year ago. Sometimes I see neighbors' heads but if they are closer to the fence they do not need any help to get the full picture. I am building my pool and plan even more time outside in the nude. My friends will learn that pool and spa area is clothing optional...not to say nude for me. My 21-yo son is OK, my GF is naked with me too. How do you deal with neighbors, do you care? Did you tell them what to expect when they sneak over?

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

I do two things: (1) Screen my garden as well as I can. This cuts out the view from four of them and reduces it from the other three. And (2) I tell all of them I'm a naturist and will be naked in my garden.

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

We are somewhat fortunate in that we are in the country with plenty of woods. Facing our house from the road, there are woods to the left, rear and right of our house. The only real problem is that we have neighbors across the road to the left and right of us and their property is a higher elevation than our lot. Therefore, they can look down into our yard and see us if we venture out from directly behind our house. I've planted some hybrid willow trees along the entire front yard about 10 yards away from the road with the hope of them growing fast and creating a privacy fence. Another problem I have is that the woods are thin directly behind and to the right of our house. On the other side of the woods behind us is a field so we are mindful of the farmers. On the other side of the woods to our right about 175 yards away is one of my nosey relatives and her house is also a higher elevation than ours. I think she has seen me naked before but she hasn't said anything. For about a year, the house across the street was vacant so I would frequently wash our vehicles or do other things in our driveway or on that side of the house. One day as I walked to the mailbox and ducked behind trees as vehicles approached, she came from one direction as another vehicle came from the opposite direction. I didn't hear her car until she was right in front of the house. I'm pretty sure she saw me because she looks the house and yard over every time she passes and can tell me later what she saw. She didn't say a word this time! LOL

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

I'm with you on living in the woods, however....I was burning trash (nude) in the yard when I looked up and there was a truck stopped in the road. It looked like a 4 wheel drive and was somewhat high...he had stopped in a spot where the combination of his height and more thin trees could possibly make me visible. He was about 100' away....I don't know if he saw me or not. Today, we're expecting rain and I'm going to fertilize the woods out there...we'll see....or maybe...not see in the future.

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RE:How to deal with neighbors...

When we first bought this house 5 years ago, we wouldn't think of going outside nude, even on the relatively private back patio (surrounded on all sides of the back yard with 6' privacy fence, and a lot of mature trees here & there...). We were new here and didn't know what the neighbors could & couldn't see, if they were cool or not...
We've been enjoying "naked coffee" on the secluded back patio pretty much every weekend morning, but now we've been getting more and more bold and I usually fill the bird feeders and the hummingbird feeders in the nude (with shoes on, but nothing else).
The "Worldwide Naked Gardening Day" back in May really helped. She did a lot more gardening-related work nude in the back yard than I ever even expected! (Although she is the green thumb and loves tinkering with her plants and the yard a lot, so it kind of fit in to her interests already.) I haven't done much other work out in the back yard during the day where I'd be out in the middle of the yard for any longer than a few minutes.
We recently positioned a hammock on one side of the yard near our neighbor's shed and it's WONDERFUL. Since I'm working from home I'll usually take my lunch out there and eat it while I'm sunbathing on the hammock. I always regret having to go back into the house! One afternoon last week I finished work early and when my wife arrived at home I was nude on the hammock just relaxing. As soon as she walked out into the yard and smiled at finding me naked, my neighbor came outside and walked down the driveway towards his shed, but he never even looked over the privacy fence or saw me, or acknowledged my wife, so... My wife had a look on her face like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but I think that it helped rather than hurt her opinion of being nude in the back yard since the neighbor never even noticed. She'll lay out nude in the hammock for a little while every now & then, but she's a little more shy and reluctant than I am. I will get her to say "Yeah, I enjoyed it" afterwards, but it's rarely without a little encouragement from me before she'll head out to the hammock and take her clothes off. Who knows? Maybe someday soon she'll make the walk out to the hammock already nude! :)
(These are from World Naked Gardening Day)

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

Krissy and I have about an acre, one story house with a decent size back yard, and just recently, when all the shit broke loose with COVID we were just having our 8ft vinyl fence installed. We were getting tired of having to wait till the night filled the sky before we got to enjoy the hot tub nude. The trouble now is that one of our neighbors lives on a tiny bit more elevated ground than us, so there's a cut off in the yard where they can certainly see in. Our neighborhood is a very small L shape, we don't have block parties, aside from the drive-by wave we all just keep to ourselves, so it strikes me a little awkward to have nudism be our first topic of discussion. suggestions or encouragement is extremely welcome, otherwise, I'll think of something. I don't feel like I'm missing out on too much like I said it's only a fraction of the yard, but when I decide to pull the trigger on a pool and start having my nudist friends and acquaintances come over I'll probably have to start putting a plan into action, be it mustering the strength to say something or go the route of view obstruction.

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

Neighbor 2 houses away has been cutting our mutual next door neighbor's grass as he is 80+ and not up to doing it any more.
Today he accidentally cut my pool return line that runs along the fence. He said he would fix it later in the day.
Since he is well over 6' tall, I told him to let me know when he was going to do it since I only wear a swimsuit when we have company.
He replied that if he had a pool and fence like mine, he wouldn't wear one either.

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

We only have neighbours on three sides.

On our right they can't see us unless they stick their heads out of their sky lights. As these sky lights were installed without planning permission that would be an interesting conversation.

Over the back, they can only see us from one bedroom window and throughout the summer I have never seen anyone stood there.

To our left they can only see into our garden if they stand close to the fence. Unfortunately, recently they did just that. While it was obvious he didn't approve, nothing has come of it

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

We only have neighbours on three sides.On our right they can't see us unless they stick their heads out of their sky lights. As these sky lights were installed without planning permission that would be an interesting conversation.Over the back, they can only see us from one bedroom window and throughout the summer I have never seen anyone stood there.To our left they can only see into our garden if they stand close to the fence. Unfortunately, recently they did just that. While it was obvious he didn't approve, nothing has come of it

Your neighbor on the left reminded me of a joke that I heard. A woman called the police and complained that her male neighbor was swimming and sunning nude in his yard. The police came, saw a high privacy fence around the neighbor's yard and asked how she knew it. She replied that when she stood on her picnic table she could see everything.

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

This still works

I do two things: (1) Screen my garden as well as I can. This cuts out the view from four of them and reduces it from the other three. And (2) I tell all of them I'm a naturist and will be naked in my garden.

A new neighbor asked to reduce the height of my trees close to his fence line to let in more light. I told him I'll be naked in my garden but he could reduce them to a certain height. We also replaced the fence between the gardens with one 6ft (1.8m) high and close boarded. He was more than happy with both these arrangements. My privacy is secured.

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RE:How to deal with neighjbors...

A woman called the police and complained that her male neighbor was swimming and sunning nude in his yard. The police came, saw a high privacy fence around the neighbor's yard and asked how she knew it. She replied that when she stood on her picnic table she could see everything.

I've heard that one before, and even have a first hand experience of this. A woman I used to work with had naturists next door who would use their garden which she didn't like because they were old and fat. Presumably if they were young and fit she would have been okay. However, she could only see them if she looked sideways our of her bedroom window.

Even closer to your joke was a case last year. In the UK it is legal to be naked in public, but it becomes illegal if you cause "alarm or distress". One woman reported a man for working in his garden naked claiming to be alarmed and distressed, However, when the case went to court the judge was told that she actually went back for a second look to make sure she had seen what she thought. The judge criticised the woman as she obviously wasn't alarmed or distressed

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