Backyard Nudists

This is a group for those who may be Home Nudists or those who cannot always get to a Nudist Colony, Camp, or Resort and therefore take things into their own backyard! Whether your backyard is private enough or not, perhaps you lay out nude, skinnydip, garden, or mow the lawn, this group is for you!

Understanding neighbors

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I was just talking to my neighbor lady through the fence which has gaps in it and I was naked. I told her that I was doing laps around the yard for exercise and it was safer than walking on the street and I can do it naked and she said all the better. When my other neighbor first moved in behind me I introduced myself and told him that I was a nudist and he said that he was ok with that but I put up a 6 ft fence anyway. I find it better to just be upfront about it and then you don't have to worry about it.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Understanding neighbors

Must be nice my neighbor caught me at 2am naked and still makes jokes about it

Jokes are fine with me. Not that anyone has caught me nude and joked about it.
Closest I have come was with two different band colleagues.
One saw me riding my bike shirtless when he was running toward me and thought I was naked, until he took a second look. He has since called me the naked bike rider. Once I was leaving band and walking with another member whose car was parked close to mine. We continued talking when I got my car, took off my shirt, got in and removed my footwear. He said something like "Sometimes I think you would like to take everything off and live nude." I changed the topic.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Understanding neighbors

He said something like "Sometimes I think you would like to take everything off and live nude." I changed the topic.

I have heard similar, but I answer honestly, "Absolutely" or Hell yes ;-)

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Understanding neighbors

He said something like "Sometimes I think you would like to take everything off and live nude." I changed the topic.I have heard similar, but I answer honestly, "Absolutely" or Hell yes ;-)

Actually, the band member who sits next to him wears t-shirts to rehearsal promoting the nudist lifestyle so I just said something like "Me? Have you read some of the shirts the guy sitting next to you wears?"

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Understanding neighbors

Back in the late 70's and early 80's. Shirts and stickers with "Party Naked", "Study Naked".... were so common around here nobody took them seriously ;-)

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Understanding neighbors

My neighbour is not very understanding.

I've spent the whole of lockdown naked in our back garden, must have been going on for 200 days naked in the sunshine.

Unfortunately, my wife won't let me be seen, nor will she let me talk to the neighbours. This means every time I cross the public middle part of the garden I have to wear shorts. Must have been around 1,000 times I put them on / took them off as a walked to/from the house.

This worked all summer right up to the last 5 minutes. On what we thought was the last nice day we packed up the summer house. Without thinking I put some things on our picnic table which is in the visible area. I heard next door slam shut their car boot. As I looked round he had a face like thunder.

We don't talk much anyway, and he's not a big fan of me but it was obvious he was not happy. At least hasn't done or said anything so big loss. I won't let it change my life, but I will consider increasing the height of the fence.

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  • 4 years ago