Backyard Nudists

This is a group for those who may be Home Nudists or those who cannot always get to a Nudist Colony, Camp, or Resort and therefore take things into their own backyard! Whether your backyard is private enough or not, perhaps you lay out nude, skinnydip, garden, or mow the lawn, this group is for you!

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Neighbors viewing backyard....

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Hi all,

My house is sitting near the entrance of the community, the side facing the road entering the community has a split fence, not a privacy fence (per HOA rule). Maybe something can be done for this matter.

The other problem is m direct neighbor. Living there is a mother and her daughter 13 years old I believe. Through the privacy fence, you can slightly view what's behind, there's the trampoline as well providing an excellent view, and the windows from second floor of the house having a direct view.

Nothing can be done to add privacy. Those of you who are naked in their backyard with such setup, how did you manage to discuss with your neighbor about it?
I am afraid to scare the view of my neighbor or changing the way they see me.

Thanks for your advice.

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

I haven't spoken to the neighbors about it yet.
Mostly because I have so few times that I can be naked out there.

I have thought, though, about setting up a canopy that has an extra wall, and then using some other large tarps that i can hang from that to gutters using bungy cords to set up a privacy wall of sorts.

There's a yard that can be seen from my backyard that also has a trampoline, with sometimes up to 4 kids bouncing around on it.

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

My backyard can be looked into from the upper floor of at least five other houses... I do not let that bother me. It is not visible from public spaces (the street), and that's all what is required to make it legal to be naked in your own garden.
I know neighbors have seen me (I have seen at least two of them look at me once), but that's fine.

I would at least recommend Not to go ask your neighbors if you can be naked in you own garden; if you ask their permission, you need to be willing to accept a "no".
So just do it, and if they ask about it, then just handle it like it is the most normal thing imaginable; "ofcourse I am naked in the sun in my garden, aren't you??"

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

I built a fence to block the views of the neighbors.
But then one put a second story on their house. Great ! It didnt stop me from being naked in my own backyard !
New home now working on blocking the two neighbors views. Its taking time. Think about moving and theres amazing places out there

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

Consider planting bottlebrush bushes. They are evergreen, cold hardy, grow fast, and don't need much water once established. They grow to about 15' high and 15' wide.

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

Actually they may not be cold hardy! check the variety. Some varieties don't get so big either.

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

My neighbors can see into my back yard so I just mostly stay out of site or go out during a time when Im least likely to be spotted.


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  • 8 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

Landscape the area where you need the privacy. We have bottle brush bushes, and they seem hardy enough for our winters. We don't get sustained freezing temps but have 3-4 days of nighttime lows in the low 30's. Doesn't seem to faze them.

Our neighbors obviously know, although we've never talked to them about us being nudists. I think they've gotten that idea having seen us many times over the past 16 years we've lived here. They're still friendly but even with all our conversations, the subject has never been broached. Had we been able to do it over again, we would have talked to them but in hindsight, it's better to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission.

In the OP's case, I think it would be wise to contact the HOA and find out WHAT exactly are the perimeters for providing a homeowner with reasonable privacy from this type of fencing.

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  • 8 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

I strongly suggest you investigate Lilypilies for the fastest growing privacy shrub youll ever see, the increase in height and width over one single growing season will astound you. Height is approximately 15ft with a width of about 6ft with dense foliage.
Bird and bee attracting with white flowers and an edible fruit if you like bush Tucker.

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  • 8 months ago
RE:Neighbors viewing backyard....

I research Lily Pillies and found they are very similar to red leaf privets. It is a fast growing bush and provides some very nice privacy screening. We planted them along our back wall to provide privacy from the two story homes across the way.

Only suggestion would be to minimize the pruning at the base. I pruned them up high and it seemed to decrease the growth time. They are fine now but it's taken them quite a while.

Good luck with your privacy project.

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  • 8 months ago