Bald Or Shaved Head Nudist Men

For guys who enjoy shaving their heads

Hi everyone shaved head here

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New to the group, I've been shaving my head for quite a while now and I wouldn't go back, I like it so much the smoothness is awesome and that's partly why I decided to shave my whole body. Used razors for a while got tired of that, then tried waxing that was OK got to were I could tolerate the pain but it took to long to do my whole body and I felt bad for the sweet lady that was doing the waxing it was a lot for her and we both got tired of that so I went and got laser hair removal it's more permanent you do have to go back for touch ups and it is costly and was painful in the beginning like someone snapping you with a rubber band but for me it was well worth it the only draw back is they will not do my or anybodies head, I guess they said that it's not safe and that's okay with me

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