Balkaz - Brisbane

People who have been to Balkaz Nudist Retreat in Brisbane. I am a semi-regular visitor there and love the place and the warm welcome I get everytime I go there..

Visiting Balkaz

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Any peoples at Balkaz this week, I might drop in and say good day

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RE:Visiting Balkaz

A friend and I have been going up to Balkaz one morning each week, either a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. We go early in the morning to catch the sun on our naked bodies before it gets too hot and unforgiving, so we leave for home around 11.00am. I've found Balkaz to be a very relaxing and friendly place, with a good range of facilities to be enjoyed for short time, drop in nudists like myself. Great kitchen and entertainment area for a morning brunch, swimming pool and spa. Happy to hook up with friends, new and old, there.

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