Bare Assed Urinal
A group for men who like to use the urinal bare assed letting it all hang out
Free the Urinals
Return to DiscussionsIt seems like the design and layout of urinals has been moving towards separation and isolation of men peeing. I wonder what the discussions and thought processes around the builder specs involve. Is it subconscious shyness, or overt prudishness? I love the openness of using a trough urinal, and not caring who is looking or not looking, , but those are so hard to find now.
I was once at the October fest in Munich. After a glas of beer (3 liters is the smallest size I think) a trip to the urinal is inevitable. They were big metal troughs and as most guys with that much beer in them loose all shyness, it was kind of a cock viewing fest too.
But I agree with your conclusion, more and more urinals are getting bigger and higher separations and there is no good reason other then that whoever is in charge of decision making must all be shy to pee in view of others.
I concur! Ive loved the urinal experience since childhood and appreciate the sharing piss time with another guy whether a stranger or friend or acquaintance. Were just guys sharing what we have in common as human... same equipment and we need to answer call of nature.
Its unfortunate newer prudish, prejudice and insecure thoughts have gone into planning newer buildings and renovation of places where people gather for whatever reason and now we have dividers or single urinals that take away the communal and potential male bonding experience of open urinals. Today I keep a mental list of where open urinal rows and troughs are so I have my favorite and preferred spots to visit in the area that have these urinal friendly restrooms still.
Like the rest of you I too enjoy urinals and troughs, I think it's nice to not be hidden in front of other men. I personally don't mind if guys look at my penis, and I like to look also. I do know some guys get pee shy, as I have friends who are that way and will only use a cubicle I've seen coworkers and friends willies while peeing especially if we've had a few beers and it's always a laugh.
I think the other element with this topic is that shenanigans can also occur at these urinals when so many nice bits of maleness are on display, I cannot speak for you guys but I've seen on a regular basis and especially in cities where going to the loo any time of the day for a wee, or just before catching a train in the rush hour there are several guys having a play, I think this also plays into modern designs trying to discourage that sort of thing. Again it doesn't bother me if guys want to let off steam let them they're not hurting anyone but hey ho.
I have shared urinals and toilets or even trees outside most of my life. Being a country man trough urinals are in the men's rooms at rodeo arenas across Oklahoma. Most men just whip it out and pee and look down. Not to the left or right just at their manhood. A few may look because of curiosity sake but that is about it. Even fewer men show off their virtuoso there. So inclusion the environment where men grow up may be a key factor.
My father was raised by a prudent father, but my father raised me not to be prudent or ashamed of myself. His brothers the same. Now I am not a prudent man, but my cousin is a prudent man and played sports. So I don't know how that happened.
Honestly if its inside just an area maybe with a wall and a little slot at the bottom where you walk up and piss would be fine. Or make a nice outside area where guys can pee on trees or in bushes. We waste too much water with urinals and toilets for peeing.