Bare Black And Brown Naturists
For brown and black people exploring and engaging nudism naturism and clothes free living. Share your experiences your trips your challenges. This group is not exclusive but will keep the focus on the experiences of black and brown people in naturism as that story is not shared often enough. This is to be a safe place for black and brown naturists. If you are looking for hookups of any kind move...
Bare black and brown on MeWe
Return to DiscussionsYEAH!!!!!! Glad BBBN decided to take the plunge.
With the restrictions on sites like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and the upcoming lose of Google+ it's harder and harder for nudists to connect.
True, MeWe is not "perfect" and it's "different" from TN or any of the above sites. But we had to learn how they worked and deal with any perceived inadequacies on them as well.
One of the main things I like about MeWe in addition to the above is it has a mobile app. So it's easier to connect and get notifications without having to log onto your computer.
True, MeWe is not "perfect" and it's "different" from TN or any of the above sites. But we had to learn how they worked and deal with any perceived inadequacies on them as well
Found the platform is pretty decent has some valued features not avaialble on other platforms. They needed the tumblr flight to build some momentum I guess too bad that means the faux nudist crowd (which is part of the issue here) has found its way there already.
I like Mewe. I trust it better than Tumblr and Facebook of Course. I value privacy as well as I'm a business person so it allows me to be Proud Bare and Free without the hassle
The privacy options are definitely better than an other platform