Bare Black And Brown Naturists

For brown and black people exploring and engaging nudism naturism and clothes free living. Share your experiences your trips your challenges. This group is not exclusive but will keep the focus on the experiences of black and brown people in naturism as that story is not shared often enough. This is to be a safe place for black and brown naturists. If you are looking for hookups of any kind move...

Discussion question #1 How do you practice naturism in the winter months?

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For those of us in the northern hemisphere we are into the winter season. Temperatures are cooler if not cold. So how do you practice naturism/nudism in the winter?

I try to stay clothes even in the winter and use a variety of things to make that possible. using a room heater to keep warm instead of trying to heat the whole house to a comfort table level. Adding another layer of blankets and continuing to sleep naked. This way a stay clothes free while I am home, cooking cleaning or just watching Netflix.

On the social front I am fortunate that the clothing optional venue near me is open year round so I can drop in for a day visit. But I like to participate in the water volleyball torments they host most weekends in the winter. Its also a great way to meet new people.

Let's hear what you do!

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RE:Discussion question #1 How do you practice naturism in the winter months?

I crank up the heat a couple degrees, since I moved to this apartment I don't have to worry about drafty windows, the only time I get chilly is when I walk down the back staircase to the laundry, which I only do in the mornings when my neighbors are at work.

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