Bare Necessities 2017 Nude Cruise O
This group is designed as a gathering place those who will be going on this particular cruise Feb 5-14, 2017. Bare Necessities is a travel planner in Austin TX.
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Return to DiscussionsThis cruise has become very noteworthy. There have been several news stories on it that have been shared on Facebook, John Heald has commented on his Facebook page, and there have been tons of comments. I wish I was joining you, but there are 2 major problems 1. The wife doesn't do nude. and 2. We both don't care for Carnival.
Bon Voyage
- 8 years ago
I had the same thoughts about Carnival until someone explained the biggest problem with them is their clientele - and since this is a charter it shouldn't be a problem. (and if your wife doesn't have a problem with others being naked she will be fine - there are others in her situation who don't get nude)
- 8 years ago
Our first nude cruise with Bare Necessities was in 2013 on the Carnival Freedom... totally different set of passengers than our last Carnival cruise: on the Pride from Baltimore. The Carnival crew seemed less standoffish than the Celebrity crew in 2015 (although we are told that same crew was much better last year).
- 8 years ago