A group for those of us who enjoy being barefoot as much as possible. For the hardcore barefooters among us, it's a way of life!
From the time I was 17 until my mid-late 50s, my feet (on tops and toes) were always very hairy ... hairy enough to draw a lot of comments when people would see me barefoot (which was pretty much all the time) ... and the Hobbit and Mr. Frodo jokes?...
When you see someone barefoot in public, how can you tell that person is hardcore, and not just a casual barefooter? Observing myself, I've noticed a few things: 1. Black soles. This one is the most obvious. Full-time barefooters have those...
Who's got 'em? I've been going barefoot full-time for about 12 years now, and the skin on my soles has gotten so tough that I can't even remember the last time I injured myself stepping on something. Gravel, splinters, and even...
Hello fellow barefooters, feel free to add me as a friend. My Facebook account Antonio Giovannini, email I like to connect with real barefooters from all over the world
Do any of you go shirtless as well as barefoot in public? It's summer now, so I mostly drive with the windows open and my shirt off. I always put the shirt back on to go into a business. I'm slowly getting over the shoe part of "No...
Who among us goes barefoot year-round? On the flipside, who is only a seasonal barefooter? Does anyone routinely go barefoot in snow (these barefooters have earned the nickname "snowfooters")? How easily are you able to adapt to the cold?
A lot of people associate shoelessness with casual attire, but can it work in formal situations? For those of us 24/7 barefooters out there, do you tend to don shoes when dressing up, or do you rock the bare feet like you would in any other attire? ...
Who's celebrating barefoot today?
With all the flooding we've been having lately, I can thank my lucky stars that I'm a guy who goes barefoot! Plus there's something about splashing in a rain puddle that takes me back to the fun, easygoing summers of childhood. :)
I usually remove my shoes when, I leave work,and in town one gets many reactions which is odd,because we are a barefoot country...85% of primary schools are barefoot schools,and encourage the learners to be barefoot and attend school barefoot.Any...