Bay To Breakers

For all of us who have participated or who would like to. Nude or clothed, post your stories and photos.

my occasions to participate in the bare to...

i have done it four times, and missed three others. the bare to breakers is quite challenging, but immensely fun! in 2001 and 2, i walked all of the course. in 2014 and 18, i ran parts and walked up the hills. i was one of the very few barefoot...

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Bay to Breakers 2021

Ill be running next year. Hopefully all the madness will be behind us...who else plans on running?

2019 Race

I just signed up for the next race. Is anyone else planning to attend?

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2017 Bare to Breakers

Hey there. Is anyone considering going to this year's B2B race? Dave

Hi from UK

Yes I have done this in 2009 and 2011 with an American close friend, was great fun both times! Shame if they are clamping down on people doing it naked!

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True??? Police stopping nudity??

I haven't managed to get to B2B since 2011, but I hope to do it again some day.But I've just heard a disturbing rumor.I heard that at the 2015 run, the police were immediately ordering naked people to get dressed--and citing them if they...

Anyone there?

It's been quite some time since anyone has posted to this group. Does anyone else still follow postings here? Dave

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First B2B

I ran my first Bay to Breakers on Sunday. Ran it totally naked. It was also my first 12K. It was a glorious day. Weather was perfect. I'll definitely be signing up for next year!

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Loved it!!

All my profile pictures are from Bay to Breakers. Not sure how to put them over here -- but go ahead and check out my profile photos.