Bearded Nudists
For Bearded Nudists and the people that like them.
I want to skype with an older bearded man nowI'm deuceram on skype
Mateys! A fine fine mornin' to ye! I'll be freeballin' and freetalkin' all day at me gym and environs like a naked pirate! Me hopes ya might be joinin' in the nude festivities! Be wearin' naught but beard and bush, as often...
Was out this morning about 4:00 am. Walked to the curb and a car up the street stopped (there's a stop sign posted). I was putting out the trash collection. I am certain the driver saw me. I walked back the way I'm came & into my garage....
Will be a walkin' today after 12:30 p. m. & 2:00 p. m. Open carry.
Despite the rain today, I'll be walking nude between 12:30pm & 2:00 pm today, tomorrow & Saturday. Come join me?
Dailey nude walk between Mt. Vernon St. & Grand St. West of Kansas Expwy between 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 pm. Join me?
Any older bearded men want to skype, please add me"Deuceram"
Hey all. Chris here. Bald, bearded bear hereLooking to make more nudist friends and meet like-minded people. Cheers!
Hello to all of you. I'm In Springfield and looking to meet other nudists with beards in SW Missouri.