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Nude in public
Return to DiscussionsI read somewhere a women took new york to court over men can be topless so why cant women.I read she won.So is this true women can be topless in the state of new york.
- 8 years ago
Who's posting in all caps other than yourself? I'm all confused.
Someone had originally asked the question in all caps for whatever reason they had and that's why I responded. They deleted the post so mine looked out of place. I have deleted mine as well.
- 8 years ago
It would make me very happy if those of us who wish we could be nude as and when we want to be could live more freely as nudists. I accept that nudity may not be appropriate everywhere but I see no reason why we are expected to cover up in lots of other situations.
I think we have a very long way to go.
I even have to hide the fact that I take my shoes off when I sit at my desk at work
Unfortunately, I tend to agree. I've had a few comments made about the fact that my shoes were off while under the desk, some people are so very sensitive. Maybe I should roll my trouser legs u a bit too, to see how that gets interpreted!
- 8 years ago
What can we come up with that would allow anyone to benude (fully nude) anywhere in public?
There is a world of difference between being topless (even women) and being nude. Visit any beach in the south of France or many other European countries and you will see women sunbathing topless. None of them would consider themselves nude or nudists. Their bikini bottoms stay firmly in place.
And, yes. Wouldn't it be great if everywhere was clothes-optional - nudity accepted but not obligatory.
- 8 years ago
I am a nudist, I expect to be one for the rest of mylife. I want to be nude when and wherever I can be, it is notsomething to be ashamed of, I am open about my nudism in real lifeand online, life is too short to miss out on living naked when itis what I like doing.Yes, I am a dreamer too, nudity being accepted anywhere andeverywhere is not likely to happen with the way the world is. I'mnot asking for everyone to become nudists either, just that we areaccepted in our natural state more widely.I've been on a number of World Naked Bike Rides, a small number ofnude people can freely mix with a much greater number of clothedonlookers on these rides. There are times when the ride waits forslower riders to catch up, riders often have conversations with theonlookers at these points, I've always felt completely comfortableas a nudist interacting with textiles on these occasions. I acceptthat we're sometimes treated as a tourist attraction, textilesphotographing the riders etc, but it doesn't feel that this is sucha big deal compared to how it did on earlier rides. Experiencingclothing optional events like this shows that nudists are acceptedas we choose to be by other people, I hope that this becomesnormal.
Now this topicno longerseems to be so tired.
I agree with this absolutely, there are some cities and places that are much more accepting of nudity than others.Look for cities or localities that have nude beaches nearby.I believe that it is not so much a "puritan/Christian" thing anymore but a result of the high visibility of and tendency that the general public sees nudity as "perverted" (probably too strong a term than what I really mean). The media always overplays it. Also, wouldn't you agree (at the risk of sounding misogynistic)that a woman nude in public is much more likely to get a pass than a man? People see a nude man and immediately think "pervert" but not so much with a nude woman, then again a man is probably much more likely to go nude in public.
There are a lot of conservative nudists. I'm not sure that a conservative nudist is likely to take part in a WNBR event because it's premise is not in keeping with their conservative mindset. My point is there are not too many public nudity events that are of the conservative bent. This would be one step in the right direction. By doing so some of the ordinances and such might be changed.
I'm not so sure that public acceptance of public nudity is such a "dream", it may be more accurate to say that getting the general public to change their mindset about public nudity is the dream. Lot's of mindsets have been changed about a lot of things in my lifetime.
How do we go about getting the general public to accept nudity as not such a unacceptable thing after all?
- 8 years ago