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A dictatorship underway in Italy

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Best wishes to everyone from Italy. I am writing this post, a little off topic with respect to the group's intentions to bring to your knowledge the very serious events that have been happening in Italy for a couple of years now. I know that something similar is happening almost everywhere in the world but here in Italy it is taking place in a particularly strong way and with a very strong censorship of anything that says something different to the voice of the government. Huge discrimination is carried out against people who are not vaccinated (or vaccinated with only one or two doses) effectively preventing them from working, making non-essential food purchases, asking for documents such as passports, accessing banks, attending bars, restaurants , public meetings. In fact, only strictly essential food items, medicines and very little else are allowed. Any treatment other than the vaccine is prohibited or otherwise hindered. The doctors who oppose are disbarred from the professional register and placed on condition not to work. Doctors who publicly talked about alternative treatments were killed. Nothing that really happens in Italy is communicated abroad and a climate of growing hatred towards unvaccinated people is constantly fed, the newspapers can only publish what the government has said. I myself am seriously at risk of losing my job within a few days and reduced to extremely precarious conditions. I am writing this so that we know that Italy is under a dictatorial regime, and the saddest thing is the blind resignation and the total absence of reason of the majority of the population. I think it is right that this situation be brought to the attention of those who, living outside Italy, do not know the real situation we are experiencing. Thanks for the attention.

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy.

Are you sure?

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy.

science deniers, anti vaxxer sand now anti mandate protesters..probably the most irrational and irresponsible groups of people you will ever encounter. weve had covid too,and because we were properly vaccinated we weathered that storm fairly did we catch it? exposure to a covid carrying anti mandate ass. we can even name the date and time, as 6 others who were also present came down with it too. medicine and science mandate the restrictions we live with, not our 'leaders' they just enforce the best available advice for those who actually know.

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

Covid has effected everyone in ways that will never be forgotten. We only know what the media wants to tell us and the things we have experienced. The full truth will probably never be known.
If this particular vaccine works; why all the concern?
If you are vaccinated, why be concerned about the unvaccinated?
Why the name calling and hatred because of an individual's beliefs?

Who is right?

People that I know personally that were vaccinated out number the unvaccinated people that got covid.
That is scary.
I believe one should be able to weigh the options before making a decision.
Is the idea of control causing too much division and turmoil among us?
May those negatively effected heal and the more fortunate stay healthy.

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

It is unfortunate that they want everyone jabbed up (multiple times) and yet pro vaxxers believe that this is the same as traditional vax which doesn't manipulate the DNA (that one just maims you from birth). The fear porn and propaganda machine of the MSM is insatiable and rampant and only slowly because they are loosing grasp are they relaxing things due to the fear of what is happening in Canada (God bless the Canadians). I believe there are select countries they are trying to push the limits with (UK, AU, CA, IT, FR etc) but it is not going well for them.

Overall, stay safe, turn off the news and the TV and make sure you get Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin and plenty of fluoride free water and nothing will come to you.

All the best from a vax free bloke from Australia (Sydney).

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

The unvaccinated are a breeding ground for new variants. Scientists are afraid that a deadly variant, immune to the vaccines, will appear. Imagine the contagiousness of Omicron with the death rates of Delta in winter weather. The way to defeat this virus is to vaccinate the world. Israel got Omicron from a woman who returned from Malawi, of all places, and then took a six hour bus ride before her quarantine was over.

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

I was born after WW2 and when polio became a pandemic in Australia. A cousin caught it, and spent 3 years in an iron lung and is handicapped as a result of the disease. By the mid 1950's a oral vaccine (from memory) was available and I was given it. Polio is now effectively destroyed. The same with Diphtheria in the early 1930's when my father and his mother and sisters caught it. One died. That terrible disease is now eliminated. We are all better off with the advances in medical science. What's the issue? Seflishness?

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

History suggests that these virus outbreaks, whether from species crossover, lab leak, whatever, trend to diminish over time. We no longer battle the Spanish flu. SARS, MERS, etc., have faded. The timeline of the Spanish Flu suggests it takes about this long to peter out.

The shots that have been administered appear to have resulted in limited attenuation of the virus and it's effects, and this difference shall likely never be meaningfully measurable, especially with the variants that have developed over the 2+ years. As mentioned before, I'm happy with whatever natural immunity I now have over a shot that is not fully approved.

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

Posts here contain many of the 'truths' uttered during this pandemic by those who have 'access to the real facts'.
No, none of the vaccines in use modify DNA. They don't need to.
Yes, of course a lot of vaccinated people are getting Covid. In NSW, Australia 94% of the adult population is fully (one or two doses) vaccinated... some will get Covid, some will get very sick, some will die. That's life. The important thing is that the 4% unvaccinated represent 25% of hospitalisations while the 94% fully vaccinated represent 72% of hospitalisations (approx NSW, Australia figures). The balance is partially vaccinated (one dose). If you have a little mathematical ability you can calculate that unvaccinated people are therefore about 8 times more likely to end up in hospital with Covid (and still, as my ED nurse sister-in-law tells me some do, they'll still deny it's real).
(Say you have a population of 10,000, of which (from the percentages above) 9,400 are fully vaccinated, 400 non-vaccinated. Say 100 people end up in hospital. 72 are fully vaccinated, 25 are not. The rate of hospitalisation in vaccinated is 72/9400=0.008. Unvaccinated 25/400 = 0.063 . 0.063/0.008 = 8 . You can change the 10,000 and the 100 to any figures you like. The result will be the same.
The odds in ICU are worse. The 4% unvaccinated represent 32% of ICU admissions.)

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy.

Just cause people like to get naked doesn't mean they're not stupid. Spanish Flu didn't "fade away". It killed millions and stopped spreading because it ran out of hosts to infect. Oh, and the seasonal flu beget every year? It's variants of Spanish Flu.

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RE:A dictatorship underway in Italy

I don't really think we need to bring politics onto TN.

"Seeg555" spelt out the numbers exceptionally well.

And for the Australians out there,.. most of you born here would have been through a mandatory vaccination process since you were born; polio, tetinus, rhubella/measles etc.

And when we travel abroad, you probably get the 3x Heps, Typhoid, Dengue Fever etc

If you don't wish to have the COVID injection, and you catch COVID,... stay at home. Don't over-burden the health system.

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