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Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

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Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any part of their body????
Is not beautiful (erection)????

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

    • I was going to remain silent on this one, but too many of you seem to be making assumptions or using words like "always", that are not necessarily fact.
      1. Erections are not ALWAYS a sign of sexual arousal. Men can become aroused (i.e., erect) for other reasons too. These reasons can be medical, when discussing or witnessing things that they are very enthusiastic about (I've seen them happen when watching a sporting event that's getting intense and their team is close to scoring), when he is dreaming or has just awoken from a dream, feels good with the sun on his skin, etc. Women's nipples get erect when they are sexually aroused, but just because they are sticking out does not mean there is anything sexual involved. (Ever been in a cold room or draft?) As to the comment about erections being "threatening": yes, a man might threaten with an erection, but just because his penis is hard doesn't mean his intention (if he even has one regarding it at the time) is threatening. (intent vs. interpretation)
      2. Men shave in various ways, patterns and areas for a number of reasons, and just because he shaves his pubic area does not mean he's doing it for exhibitionistic reasons. Maybe he's prone to jock itch, feels fresher with that area but still enjoys his chest hair, has a partner that likes it that way, etc. Just because YOUR eye is drawn to a shaved groin does not mean that was his intention. (Maybe it's indicative of you having a sexual issue that you're eyes are drawn to a smooth pubic area? Are you sure you're applying the "perv" label to the right person?)
      3. I have known men to be reported for pictures because someone says they are erect when, in fact, they are not. It could be due to camera angle, physiology/proportions, movement, etc. Do you know the man and his specific anatomy well enough to know for absolute surety?
      Many of these "True nudists do/do not..." statements are showing narrow thinking. Your experiences (e.g. "I've never seen...") may not accurately reflect reality at large. If a man is openly masturbating or doing something to deliberately maintain an erection on a nude beach or a TN chat room, then I'd agree that it's inappropriate. But sometimes men have to scratch or their bodies may react. Be an adult and be equal-handed: if you're calling for men to be booted just he becomes tumescent or idly touches that area for a moment, then boot any woman that even momentarily touches her breast, has a shaved groin, or even looks like she has erect nipples.
      Making assumptions about another person's intent is no different that when people who don't understand nudism assume it's a sexual fetish/always about sex. Think about it.
      [end of tirade]......I agree with about you said, but has you checked his pics in his profile like was said no face pics , one he is holding his paper right above his erection, I would say that is pretty well making an issue ............Ruhl

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

Dear NudismThank you for some of you that answer my question respectfully.Because I just ask some question from you.But some of you that only judge me and you said any thing bad to me.think first and after that answer the question.
You can easily answer my question with out judgement about me and my photo and my life.I really thank from the people that know how to answer the question not judgement.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

ShvdNKd - well said. Calm, rational, unemotional, and respectful. I totally agree with everything you have said, and support it 100%. Narrow mindedness, rudeness, and lack of respect towards others has no place in the nudist world. :-))

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

    • Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any part of their body????
      Is not beautiful (erection)???? rotten pervert sick person, send me a message and then block me, your not only sick , you a chicken sob .....................Ruhl

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

Mr ruhl9, Ionly write for you in the privet massage "think first and after that answer the question."In this group youinsult me but I sent you a massage and only I mentioned a above sentence.but I do not want be like you.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

    • Mr ruhl9, Ionly write for you in the privet massage "think first and after that answer the question."In this group youinsult me but I sent you a massage and only I mentioned a above sentence.but I do not want be like you.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

I saw his profile before he blocked, he claims to be a doctor, but pay attention to his wording and his spelling , I think you'll figure it

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

it's christmas-time ! give peace a chance !!!

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

Hi Dear
MerryChristmas, wishing all the best for you.I really thanks all of you and Mr PalmspringsGayNaturist than sent me a massage and answer my question very kindly.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Why the man can not show the erection in the web site but the woman can show any

I have an idea.....just ban this guy

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  • 10 years ago