Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)

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Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

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For years, I was poisoned by media policy to present the ideal woman body extremely thin with big or oversized breasts. A week in an fkk beach changed completely this fake impression implanted in my brain. Skinny is not ideal and far from the average! It's only a matter of choice. Without clothes, the brain reassesses what we like. As a result, I noticed that my eyes were attracted by a different type of body, a dozen pounds heavier and smaller bra size. I suddenly realized that media aggressiveness subconsiously make people feel ashamed and uncomfortable with their body.
Nudity deliberates the mind and restores our aesthetics to natural standards.

This topic was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

Not only is the nude female body appreciated for its physical beauty, but in my case the female nudist is seen as courageous for exposing her body in the face of so much societal and cultural pressure for doing so.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

Nudity deliberates the mind and restores our aesthetics to natural standards.

Very true. Hubby and I go to our club and find we are enjoying the view of many different types of people. All attractive in their own way.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

People in power always want more power and will do what ever it takes to get it. Greed is to me the ultimate sin. I only want a simple life. Free to enjoy sunsets,friends, and a good laugh. Nudists a generally happy people because they have learned to tune all the negative and controlling aspects of media that is controlled by those who seek unltimate control. The human body both male and female are Gods works of art. To be appreciated and proud of no matter shape, size, color, or gender. Its a comprehensive decision to be happy. If you dont like me or something about me. I dont care. I like me and thats all that matters. When you let go tons of burden will go with it. Enjoy life. Laugh, love, enjoy. If it feels better being nude and it makes you happy then its a no brainer! Tune out negativity, smile and live!

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

People in power always want more power and will do what ever it takes to get it. Greed is to me the ultimate sin. I only want a simple life. Free to enjoy sunsets,friends, and a good laugh. Nudists a generally happy people because they have learned to tune all the negative and controlling aspects of media that is controlled by those who seek unltimate control. The human body both male and female are Gods works of art. To be appreciated and proud of no matter shape, size, color, or gender. Its a comprehensive decision to be happy. If you dont like me or something about me. I dont care. I like me and thats all that matters. When you let go tons of burden will go with it. Enjoy life. Laugh, love, enjoy. If it feels better being nude and it makes you happy then its a no brainer! Tune out negativity, smile and live!

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

Yes we come in all shapes and sizes. It is that sheer variety that makes nudity fun. It's a pity the media put up stereotypes. Women are made conscious of their figures and men of the sizes of their penises. Let's throw away our inhibitions with our clothes. And we realise that those media stereotypes are unreal.

This post was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

Women are made conscious of their figures and men of the sizes of their penises.

True! I avoided on purpose to mention male stereotypes like penis size and six pack abs.

This post was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

Great topic, I was probably similar initially, liking women with larger breasts and thinner not larger generally, although I did have some more voluptuous girl-friends many years ago. This is probably common among men and yes it is probably mostly due to media stereotypes.

Anyway that aside by going to CO beaches generally I started to appreciate the female figure more broadly. All bodies are beautiful but I appreciated the courage of women going there at all. This was in part due to some of the excessive and close male attention, but mostly to expose themselves compared to what the media claims is attractive or "normal". It's a gutsy thing for women to do given the media stereo-types we are bombarded with and we should give them lots of credit and support for going to CO beaches.

The close attention some men give these women is a separate issue but guys, leave women alone at the beach. Don't re-locate your towel to be a few metres away, yes they are women with all the relevant women's bits, but give them space, respect their rights and admire their courage.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

I have long subscribed to the notion that all women are beautiful. I have celebrated the differences in them even while clothed. If by chance I was able to see them nude, all the better. Most of the people (women and men) in the porn magazines and movies have been altered in some fashion or by no means the norm.

Now as a nudist, I have seen real people (women and men) of all shapes and sizes and it makes me happy. I love seeing women that are larger in dress size confident in their bodies and not feeling ashamed to show it all. I also remember a night at the hot springs when two women in their seventies hung up their robes and walked confidently into the water.

Thank you ladies for allowing us all to see all of your beauty, inside and out.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

I want to join in the chorus singing an ode to all bodies, of all shapes and sizes and of both genders.
And, with a special " 'atta' girl" to the ladies who have taken hold of the courage to revel in their own skin and beauty.

This post was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Appreciating the beauty of a natural body

If very difficult to experience true freedom in today's greedy world, media pressure on the perfect image certainly doesn't help. To be happy it seems you have to look a certain way and have all the material possessions to go with the look, well for me shedding clothes and being you naked self natural and free makes me truly happy .

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  • 7 years ago