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Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

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Are you comfortable being nude among clothed people at a clothing optional beach especially when you are in the minority?
Recently I visited a clothing optional beach which I have been going to for years. There were a few people on the beach when I arrived and ventured past them since they were all clothed. I set up my blanket and laid down and discretely got naked. The day was beautiful, and I was so comfortable enjoying my natural surroundings. A few people passed by me noticing that I was naked and at the time the only nude person in the area. I eventually got up and strolled down the beach in the surf away from the textiles. I passed by a few clothed people who greeted me politely and kept going. When I returned to my blanket, I noticed more people had come to the clothing optional area. Eventually the person closest to me went nude after a couple of hours and a couple beyond my neighbor. Noticing a few nude people on the beach, I felt more comfortable walking around and playing in the surf. I casually strolled down towards the textiles and the few other nude and semi nude people on their blankets passed by all the textiles to the end point of the clothing optional area which there is a natural barrier. I heard a few comments that I was naked and some stares. I saw a few more people relax and go nude or topless as they accepted the area as being clothing optional. I had always been very comfortable on that beach going nude and for a while was the only nude person there. I did not really think about and just did what I always have done. I then wondered how often does this happen to others and if they are comfortable being nude among textiles especially in a traditionally clothing optional environment.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

It wouldn't bother me at the slightest been the only one, and if the others don't want to join me it is their loss for staying in cloths.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

Having n ever ben to a clothing optional beach before my first time did not go as planned. I felt if other people were nude it would be easy for my first time to be naked on a clothing optional beach. Actually this beach is noted as a nude beach, not clothing optional. It is Little Tribune Bay on Hornby Island. I arrived with my painting kit thinking I'd paint nude. What I noticed was there were no naked people. I found a spot to sketch from and as the time passed saw people only removed their clothing to go swimming. When they got out they quickly got dressed. I did not feel comfortable at all to take my clothes off and after finishing three sketches left feeling cheated of what was to be my first social nude beach experience. As I live a long ways away from any other nude beach I haven't ventured out to try again. I remain a home nudist and forest trail walker.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

my favorite beach is apollo beach the first four beach areas - parking areas are textile so you drive to lot five to be nude - guess what most everyone including the textile pass the first four to get to lot five. some get the long lens cameras out on the boardwalk down to the beach to photograph nudes, the textiles walk up and down the nude beach to exercise lol, i pay little attention just glad there is a nude beach to enjoy . i think the easiest solution would be to divide it in half so 2 1/2 lots would be textile and 2 1/2 would be nude.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

Are you comfortable being nude among clothed people at a clothing optional beach especially when you are in the minority?No, I'm also uncomfortable being naked if others are not. I'm not shy, but I'm also not exhibitionist, and I feel I'm not equal to others.
I think it's a total lack of respect to go in a nudist spot and not go naked oneself. I also think that this leaves the door open to voyeurs those who want to lurk naked people but don't have the balls to go naked themselves.
That's why I'm don't support "optional clothing", and I believe that nudists spots should be mandatory nudity.
But I'm not making the laws, and I know other nudists have different opinions.
Anyway, my advice is to find a more quiet place, or on the contrary to get closer to another group of nudists if there are some.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

As a designated clothing optional or even nude beach YOU are the one who belongs there. Maybe the textiles should be the ones feeing out of place. There's precious few places for us nudists as it is so don't hold back take full advantage of being able to be legally nude.It's actually a sensational feeling being the only nude among textiles anyway I think......lucky you!You'll soon find that others will join you & strip off as well.Bern.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

We had two nude beaches here in Southern California. One was taken away because some felt that just because we were naked, it was a "no holds barred" invitation to sexual activity on the beach! Now we have one and it's adjacent to a University. Lots of college kids come down to the beach to exercise (jog), to enjoy the beach as they would any public beach, to try being nude or topless on the beach for the first time and ... some actually enjoy the beach nude and must quite often because we've seen many college kids with great tans and no tan lines, as they break out their books and study materials.
WE don't give it much thought if we are amongst a few clothed people. If they are minding their own business, we don't care. IF ... some of them seem a bit too interested in certain women, or any woman and we suspect voyeuristic activity with a camera or video cam, then we'll jump up and get in their faces about it. Most times this affects the younger college women being bothered, harassed or photographed/videoed.
I've gone up to many of these young people and talked to them about why they venture down to the nude section of the beach and keep their clothes or swim suits on. Occasionally I'll get someone that becomes defensive but most times, it's those that are there to check it out and then eventually try it. Many of the young women are concerned about the guys from the University coming down and seeing them and thinking that they are a bit more "friendly" because they enjoy being naked, and they don't want to be hassled on campus or for any stories or rumors started so ... they remain in their suits or just topless. That's a legitimate concern and compromise.
The most important thing is to NOT give up your space or the beach to a textile take over. Remain, remain naked and educate them whenever possible. Speak up if you witness sexual activity and tell them to take it someplace where no one can see them ... like home!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

I am often the first one naked, and don't mind in the least. As some have already said, sometimes its takes one to get things started, and often that one is me. :-)) However, other times I have been the only one naked, and that doesn't bother me at all either. If it's a nude or clothing optional beach, then I am perfectly within my rights, and it doesn't bother me if others choose not to join me naked. I do find it curious that people would choose to go to a clothing optional or nude beach and not get naked, but I guess that's their right, as it is mine to get naked on the same beach. Each to their own. :-))

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

If its a recognised and preferable legal nude or clothing optional beach, I will get nude unless its too cold.
Who cares whether the others stay clothed or get nude.
I go to those places to feel nature on my natural body, not to please others insecurities or phobias.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

We are not at all bothered, if it is a clothing optional beach we opt to go naked even if everybody else is not!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nude Among Textiles at a Clothing Optional Beach

]That's why I'm don't support "optional clothing", and I believe that nudists spots should be mandatory nudity.If that were the case then I would never be able to visit a nudist beach as Mar will not go naked in public
To be fair I haven't done it either - YET :-)

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  • 9 years ago