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nudism relieves stress!

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Some benefits of being naked!
Being naked helps skin circulation,toxin elimination, prevents skin fungal infections, and reduces risk of redness or irritation under tight-fitting clothing. Anything that prevents skin inflammation or outbreaks will help maintain your skin barrier. And the healthier the skin barrier, the less stress youll have and the better you ability to handle stress.
Ifyou've ever visited a naturist park(as I have, many times)you will notice fellow nudist with very healthy looking skin and the above is the some of the reasons why.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

There is no question that when the wife and I are naked on the boat in Lake MI, the stress melts away. In the wintertime we have to make mental health trips to King Spa in Chicago.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

There is no question that when the wife and I are naked on the boat in Lake MI, the stress melts away. In the wintertime we have to make mental health trips to King Spa in Chicago.Oh, absolutley. Being nude bring us some very relaxant and joyous time where ever we are.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

This is a good point but I have to ask the question.
Is it being naked that reduces stress, or is it just that situations where you can be naked that reduces stress?
As soon as I get home I'm naked, and immediately start to relax. Is that because I'm naked or just because I'm home?
I'm most relaxed when sat naked out in the garden in the sun, listening to the waterfall and watching the fish or readying a book.
That statement would be just as valid without the word naked in it.
Yes, being naked means that I'm more comfortable, and I get the feeling of the sun and wind on my body, which makes the whole thing much better, but you see my point?

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

Yes definitely. It strips off all of the things we hide behind; the external clothes remove the internal barriers.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

There is nothing more relaxing than going up to my favorite skinny dipping spot on the Yuba river, laying out on the rocks and just clearing your mind of everything. The only sounds are the river and birds. Talk about stress relief!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

It seems we are all in agreemnt that nudity can be a great stress reliever. But for non-nudist types it could be just the opposite, since they are not used to it, and may find it HIGHLY stressful to be nude, especially around others and or outdoors nude. A friend of mine says he could never go to a nudist resort and be naked, as he would have anxiety attacks. So maybe it isn't for everyone.That's what your friend thinks, if they tried it they would probably change those thoughts very quickly. As in your friends case, the fear of the unknown is very strong, even strong enough to stop many from trying what is unknown to them even if they feel it would be good to try.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

It seems we are all in agreemnt that nudity can be a great stress reliever. But for non-nudist types it could be just the opposite, since they are not used to it, and may find it HIGHLY stressful to be nude, especially around others and or outdoors nude. A friend of mine says he could never go to a nudist resort and be naked, as he would have anxiety attacks. So maybe it isn't for everyone.That's what your friend thinks, if they tried it they would probably change those thoughts very quickly. As in your friends case, the fear of the unknown is very strong, even strong enough to stop many from trying what is unknown to them even if they feel it would be good to try. I can see how jumping straight in and having to be naked on your first visit to a nudist beach having never been "naked" before would be stressful. To be honest, the first time i try it I'm expecting to be a bit nervous.
The trick is to take small steps. Indoor home nudist, outdoor home nudist, quiet clothings optional beach dressed, then *if* they're happy, naked.
The whole point is to enjoy nudism. You won't enjoy it if it's giving you a neurosis.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

Everyday worries just disappear as you remove yourclothes. Stress goes on hold when you spend even a few hoursin the nude, especially with others around.
My thoughts exactly!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: nudism relieves stress!

It seems we are all in agreemnt that nudity can be a great stress reliever. But for non-nudist types it could be just the opposite, since they are not used to it, and may find it HIGHLY stressful to be nude, especially around others and or outdoors nude. A friend of mine says he could never go to a nudist resort and be naked, as he would have anxiety attacks. So maybe it isn't for everyone.That's what your friend thinks, if they tried it they would probably change those thoughts very quickly. As in your friends case, the fear of the unknown is very strong, even strong enough to stop many from trying what is unknown to them even if they feel it would be good to try. I can see how jumping straight in and having to be naked on your first visit to a nudist beach having never been "naked" before would be stressful. To be honest, the first time i try it I'm expecting to be a bit nervous.
The trick is to take small steps. Indoor home nudist, outdoor home nudist, quiet clothings optional beach dressed, then *if* they're happy, naked.
The whole point is to enjoy nudism. You won't enjoy it if it's giving you a neurosis.
I've read, over and over, of people trying a clothing-optional beach or resort for the first time and feeling conspicuous because they were dressed among so many other nude people. The anxiety caused by that was so great that they would take off their clothes so as to fit in better, despite their fears of being nude. Then they realized that nude was physically more comfortable as well as being mentally more comfortable. From that point, nudism was no longer a frightening experience.

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  • 9 years ago