Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)

This group is for all friends and other members....Be proud of your body.....Please insert photos from your body...

It's surprising how many witch hunts there are on here looking for
so-called fakes. It is so un-beautiful. Why spend time looking for trouble when we can
just enjoy this splendid site. If we don't like someone (fake or
witch-hunter) we can just ignore them and move on.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

I agree life's too short.Enjoy being naked and the friends you make along the way.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

There does seem to be quite an obsession that few members have for seeking out fakes.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

I absolutely agree! I sometimes identify someone on here whose purpose isn't the same as I suspect they aren't who they say they are or if they are sexually inappropriate...I ignore them and move on. I don't waste my time singling them out or commenting about the issue. I have friends on here that are compatible and I enjoy talking to people and learning about different places /activities. I don't care about the rest.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

Everyone knows I'm a fake, so I don't worry about others. I too wonder why so much time and effort is spent talking about the fakes. By the way ,if you believe I'm fake , you haven't been here long. lol

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

I absolutely agree! I sometimes identify someone on here whose purpose isn't the same as I suspect they aren't who they say they are or if they are sexually inappropriate...I ignore them and move on. I don't waste my time singling them out or commenting about the issue. I have friends on here that are compatible and I enjoy talking to people and learning about different places /activities. I don't care about the rest.The problem is this. You may befriend someone, but they are not being truthful. You think you are chatting with someone that is real and a friend, only to find out over time that they've been trying to move you towards something sexual.
That's the way the real world works and that's the way this site works. The deception is real, even if it is online. The feeling of being violated is still there and is real. In the real world, if a friend is tricked by someone, the word spreads and the word should spread.
Online...well, why should that be any different. I'm not suggesting people go on witch hunts, but if there is someone on here that is not honest and genuine, why not make that known. They are here and are preying on people. Here's a my apologies if you think the quote is directed at men. It's not exclusively about men. So here it is:
Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.
If we detect someone that is trying to prey on us, or has ulterior motives, then if we ignore them and move on, we propagate "the indifference of good men."
If they are such a person....and they violate the "rules" of the site, they should be flagged. If they know how to skirt within the rules but still prey on people,then it isincumbentupon "good men" to not be indifferent. Call them out. Let people know. Do something about it.
If you detect it, ignore and move one, thensomeone else ends up being victimized. We often complain about the good people leaving the site. Well...that's how it happens.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

Love your responds Purrs.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

this obsession with fakes is really a laugh. this is internet, people ! people play here and the only fake that is dangerous is if somebody promises someone else marriage and buys the house with that poor lonely guy's money and even then, the poor lonely guy can be preyed upon in other places than internet.
let's enjoy what the supposed and real fakes give us. clever statements and beautiful photos. what a waste of energy in being negative and making it our mission in life to expose ( pardon the pun) others .
and if a fake even , it gets boring or them to keep it up. pardon this pun as well

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

this obsession with fakes is really a laugh. this is internet, people ! people play here and the only fake that is dangerous is if somebody promises someone else marriage and buys the house with that poor lonely guy's money and even then, the poor lonely guy can be preyed upon in other places than internet.let's enjoy what the supposed and real fakes give us. clever statements and beautiful photos. what a waste of energy in being negative and making it our mission in life to expose ( pardon the pun) others .and if a fake even , it gets boring or them to keep it up. pardon this pun as wellEasy to say until you are the victim of some guy constantly messaging you about what should be done to your body of if your children shave their pubes or their son walks around the house with an erection. This is crap and is driving good honest members away. The questions also get worse by the way.
OK, I see your point and yes, that is a dangerous stalking fake. I was thinking of the pretty young women that are really just old lonely men with sagging testicles but yes, I give what you say here credence. stalkers are to be kept away from even if there is no real way in internet for them to be more than just a nuisance.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

It's surprising how many witch hunts there are on here looking forso-called fakes. It is so un-beautiful. Why spend time looking for trouble when we canjust enjoy this splendid site. If we don't like someone (fake orwitch-hunter) we can just ignore them and move on.just like to say lovely profile pic

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Witch hunts

You think you are chatting with someone that isreal and a friend, only to find out over time that they've beentrying to move you towards something sexual

Nudists like sex. We are no different from the population at large because we take our clothes off. It's just that we know the difference between (non sexual) nudity and sex and we don't talk about it (not here on TN anyhow). So someone isn't a fake just because they raise the subject of sex. They may be inappropriate but they can still be nudists.

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  • 9 years ago