Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)
This group is for all friends and other members....Be proud of your body.....Please insert photos from your body...
After Surgury, me Too
Return to DiscussionsHi folks:
Yes, it is so easy to feel uncomfortable about our bodies after surgery. I did for such a long time. I ran into a situation back in 2015, that required removing my left testicle, a month or so in the hospital, and learning to change the dressing and nurse myself after going home. I have had a very very minor surgery on my lower abdomen. That is from a very small hernia operation. After a major back surgery, my right-hand stomach muscle went off in the shape of an arrow. It no longer goes from top to bottom it veers off to the right hand side and comes back. I don't know that you can see it in pictures, but if I stand in front of you you can feel that my waistband and lower abdomen where it was reattached. I live with that. And to the point of having only one nut left, when sewing my sack back up, there was so much of it gone 3/4, they sowed it up so close on the bottom side of my penis, that it makes my penis stick out more than droop down. However that's not as noticeable, if you're not looking for a male with only one nut. All these things tied together. Each situation caused its own set of problems. I appreciate the fact that none of my nudist friends make fun of me, or joke about me at least in person. Yes, i'm a long way from perfect. No one is perfect!! do As I have. Enjoy your nudity, enjoy your nakedness. Don't be embarrassed.
- 6 years ago
For 40 years Ive had a large scar on my back. Only once has anyone asked me about it, but surely many have noticed it.
- 6 years ago
We are our own worse critics. Unless you point some things out to people, they will never see it.
I have several scars all over my body from various things and the only one that bothers me is the one on my head from running it into a brick wall as a kid. As my hair is receding it is more and more viable but no one has ever asked me about it. But my wife ask me all the time where the new cars come from and I can never remember.
- 6 years ago
Funny thing Capthat, the surgery subject caught my eye and I opened the topic. My wife has had many surgeries and many scars.As I first opened the post, saw the thumbnails at the bottom but didn't notice anything abnormal.Still didn't after I opened each one. I was confused, I then went back and read your story.Had to go back and look at the images again. I never would have realized if I hadn't read the story!
I did the same thing. Looked normal to me.
I have a few scars from skin cancer that have been cut out on my chest. One pretty big on my upper arm. I look at them as a badge. Maybe that's bad but I do love the sun. I also have one on my leg where I was running up an escalator going down slipped and one where I stuck a hatchet in my knee cap when chopping into a pine tree when I was a kid. They knew me by my first name at the er for a few years. Stupid kid!
- 6 years ago
Wow Lee.
That is an interesting tidbit about needles. It would seem, a needle is a needle. I have only neede stitches a few times. Had to go back to have the ones on my head removed but all the others were the desolating type.
- 6 years ago