Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)
This group is for all friends and other members....Be proud of your body.....Please insert photos from your body...
Your body is yours
Return to DiscussionsRecently chatting with my wife I had to remind her that her body is beautiful even though its changed after three kids. Thats normal. Its part of life. Her and I both grew up in households that worry about what other think, how they see us, body shame, etc. diving into nudism has helped me to love my body more, she has grown to accept her body but still struggles with wondering what others think.
Me: I would like us to try a nude resort this summer.
Her: no one wants to see this naked.
Me: its not about going to look at and compare others naked. You have a beautiful body because its yours. Nudism is about being liberated.
Daily slow progress. But if your in this same boat know your body is beautiful.
- 9 months ago
Beautiful words. Totally agree!! Thank you!
- 9 months ago
Enough said and well said !
My wife was the same but slowly and surely she became more and more comfortable with her own body, when we went to the beach she would see new moms with stretch marks, more mature aged ladies wearing the badges of age and life, she even started to take notice of men who also are no longer cat walk material. Now shes never comfortable wearing clothes unless its absolutely necessary.
Nudism/Naturism = body acceptance regardless of age, body shape, scars, missing parts or anything else. Body acceptance is everything regardless of what lifestyle you subscribe too.
- 9 months ago
Mothers are beautiful naked because of the life they have created carried and born into the world, not despite it. What a wonderful creation the human body is! Worthy of admiration and celebration! Becoming a dad can also take sap a man of his youth and vitality though for different reasons than for a woman. A man can celebrate his dad bod too in what ever shape it's in, which in your case is admirable. Keep the positive words and thoughts alive and well!
- 9 months ago
You know, Adam, I was body shamed growing up. Omgosh, for so many years I worried about what other people thought of me. Even my husband made comments about what I was wearing (are you going to wear that?!) it really wasnt until I met my boyfriend that I started to accept myself for the way I am. Him introducing me to this lifestyle has helped me grow and like myself as I am. Now I do have my own personal goals for being healthy as I age, but I dont worry about my stretch marks or my CSection scar. Meeting several wonderful people on this website has made me see a different part of society, people that dont care how you look. I feel accepted. I hope your wife will go with you to that resort.
Im so glad I met my boyfriend. Otherwise, I probably would have never known about this website and met my friends here. (And hes pretty amazing too). ;-)
- 9 months ago
If you can suggest that you visit a clothing optional resort like Turtle Lake resort is. Shell be able to ease her way into becoming totally naked and become more relaxed as the minutes go by. Seeing other nudists many of whom dont have Ken and Barbie bodies will help improve her self confidence. Hope it works out for you.
- 9 months ago
You know, Adam, I was body shamed growing up. Omgosh, for so many years I worried about what other people thought of me. Even my husband made comments about what I was wearing (are you going to wear that?!) it really wasnt until I met my boyfriend that I started to accept myself for the way I am. Him introducing me to this lifestyle has helped me grow and like myself as I am. Now I do have my own personal goals for being healthy as I age, but I dont worry about my stretch marks or my CSection scar. Meeting several wonderful people on this website has made me see a different part of society, people that dont care how you look. I feel accepted. I hope your wife will go with you to that resort.Im so glad I met my boyfriend. Otherwise, I probably would have never known about this website and met my friends here. (And hes pretty amazing too). ;-)
My wife was raised to look and act a certain way. The voice in the back of her head constantly saying, "nice/good girls don't do this, they don't do that. They need to look a certain way and would NEVER be naked except for bathing." Then I came along at the ripe ol' age of 16 and ruined her! hahaha
As time has passed and after two children, my wife's body has changed from that 16 year old girls to the current 70 year old woman. She's still the same beautiful girl I married at 20. She still has occasional difficulty with her continually changing body but nudism and social nudism has given her a lot of confidence. Being free, comfortable and unrestricted of clothes that just don't fit has been liberating for her. Social nudism has helped her realize that she actually does have a normal body. All those teachings, all those comments by her mother, still resurface from time to time but because of nudism, she can ignore them much more easily now.
At one time, she didn't have much confidence and thought seriously about breast augmentation. We talked quite a bit about it and my answer to her was, "it's your body, do what you want to do. Do what will make you happy." When she asked, "if it were up to you, what would you have me do?" I replied, "I love your body just the way it is. All these things that have happened to your body, scars, stretch marks, deflated breasts, C section scar, are all a part of your life's road map." I pointed out situations in our life that coincided with each of her perceived imperfections. Our girls, her health issues, heredity. They all play a part on who she was, is and will be in the future.
She's thankful for the nudist life we live all that we've experienced. She loves herself more, is more confident, yet still an introvert and very private person. She's accepted who she is and I remind her almost daily how beautiful she is and how lucky I am to have her in my life and our family's life.
- 9 months ago
Andy, that is so beautiful!! Shes lucky to have you!!! Thanks for sharing.
- 9 months ago
Andy, that is so beautiful!! Shes lucky to have you!!! Thanks for sharing.
Ill second that!
I try to encourage my wife to just try to nude with me all the time, her reply is that you wont leave me alone! Well hello! That should say something shouldnt it!
- 9 months ago
My wife is what I call Nude Tolerant. She accompanies me to nude or clothing optional venues and will go nude most of the time. Her attitude is that she will never see these people again. Hover the years however, we have met and made friends with other nudist. She says it is okay because we met them nude. Her biggest fear is running into someone we know in our textile life.
She doesnt like her body and will always scope out the other women to see if there are other BBW before she disrobes. There is strength in numbers and that helps her feel more fee.
- 9 months ago
We've run into people we know from our textile world, several times over the many years of social nudism. A few were guys and their wives that my wife met at the fire houses that I worked. Another time, we ran into a woman at our club that was involved in PTA with my wife. She was active in the school district, and I was on the board at the time.
We never ran into anyone from my wife's work. We were, however, involved in some social gathering with all of them where being naked with others was a topic. She didn't want to divulge the fact that we were nudists but found their conversation safe and positive about nudism and being nude with others.
Di prefers to meet new friends at a club or resort. To her, the playing field is on equal ground. Everyone's naked, first, then you begin finding out if you have things in common and are compatible as friends. It's how we met our close nudist friends. Given that, Di likes a close circle of friends and isn't interested in lots of nudist friends. It's never about body type for Di but mostly a person's priorities, their outlook on nudism, family, friends and their ability to compartmentalize certain subjects and keep some of them on the shelf.
Di's not a BBW but she's gained some weight, loves to eat and drink. We exercise daily, either walking or exercise DVD's. It's paying off but always seems like we take two steps forward and then two steps back. At least we're both maintaining. Di can still have days when she's not happy about her body. I have to remind her that she's 70. It becomes apparent to her that I still find her extremely attractive and desirable and that keeps her confidence level way up.
- 9 months ago