Beer Drinkers Nudists
We like to be naked, and we like beer, so let's share our naked beer moments with all the rest of beer loving nudists. Get nude, take a beer and tell everybody you're having one of such special moments. At the beach, at the resort, while camping, or at home; but always in the nude! Cheers
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
Return to DiscussionsWho else is into this beer? I just found out about it during Thanksgiving. I went to Total Wine and bought $200 worth. The different varieties and tastes are insanely good. What else is out there?
- 2 years ago
It was a while ago, but Ive had their IPA and nut brown ale. Enjoyed both, but especially loved the nut brown ale. Heaven with a foamy head!
- 2 years ago
It was a while ago, but Ive had their IPA and nut brown ale. Enjoyed both, but especially loved the nut brown ale. Heaven with a foamy head!
- 2 years ago
I had the 2017 bourbon county with blueberrywasnt a fan.
- 2 years ago
Blue berries have NO place to be in a beer recipe.
- 2 years ago
Personal tastes are what they are - I love blueberries enough that I would try a beer created with them.
Now if you produced a beer with chick peas I'd turn down that offer...those things are disgusting! I have friends who love those little nuggets of grossness but they know to not offer that crap or any derivation of it if I'm coming over for dinner. If you handed it to be without telling me, Garbanzo stout I would spit out!
I do enjoy many types of beer. I've never made any - my homemade alcohol has always been wine and one of my finest vintages was made with blueberries back in 2010. I keep an open mind about most anything alcoholic until I've sipped it once, and then twice. I'll agree that some things are simply inappropriate additions to certain recipes, but I would give a gulp or two to a blueberry beer.
- 2 years ago
Some people like a fruity beer, some dont. We definitely all have varying tastes. Ill try a new beer but some favors are not for me as well :)
- 2 years ago