Bengalee Nudists
All real nudists who are Bengalee (Bengali speaking /Bangali) residing in India or Bangladesh or Bengalee expatriates or ethnic Bengalees or anybody who is a resident of West Bengal province of India or of Bangladesh can be a member of this group. Those who have never been to Bengal or do not have/is not going to have any connection with Bengal may not be included in this group as it is a group...
Kolkata Nudist Peer Group
Return to DiscussionsI was thinking how about making a Nudist Group for the nudists, by the nudists and with the nudists of Kolkata. This group will be a closed Nudist Group who will discuss issues, problems and even enjoy. It will have a structure like Chairman and all. I got this cue from a friend from Sweden. They have this kind of a group and they work and help each other. Can't we have this kind of a group and an open forum here. We can have a regular meets and all.
There are many experienced and matured people here who can help and guide in various ways to the young ones. We can at least have a support base.... What's say guys? Let your suggestions flow....
- 11 years ago
Its a brilliant idea. Wish I coud be the part of it too. It is good to have an organization, so that we all can help each other out in all ways. Its better than just to have few friends and a naked meet. Kudos to kings for coining such an idea. We all can develop the idea now. Kings you also give your more inputs.
- 11 years ago
It's great that female members are lately sharing their views. Congratulations, Nands! But Suhrit is absolutely right in pointing out with his vast experience that the factor of hesitation, shyness etc. remains. This peer group idea is good and in one sense it is the same many of us done so many times in initial clothed meet. Now we need response from others too about their views about formally meeting about this peer group formation. Kings, you too come forward. You initiated a move for a nude meet about a few weeks back, but you could not attend or suggest for any place. Hope, you will be able to make it sometime. Now who all are there for this peer support group? Kings and Nands are right in that that it can serve some useful purpose too as an icebreaker for newcomers and as a real-life forum for counselling on problems and questions of nudists, esp. on the backdrop of our social scenario.
- 11 years ago
Its nice to see few positive responses. I could not attend the meet initiated by me because of my bad health. Ashanisanket knows about it. I will definitely try to meet up next time depending upon the logistics. It is important to make it as an association of like minded people in a more organized manner. Its better to initiate a meeting face to face with all the interested member and then discuss this concept.
- 11 years ago
Meeting clothes-free would require a particular place and time and above all perfect planning. How about meeting normally in a restaurant in central Kolkata on a particular day say any given Saturday evening and see where it heads from there.
- 11 years ago
Dave's plan looks realistic,
what about 30th Nov? am in kol on that sat.
or u guys can meet even b4 that. will get briefed by you.
but any coffee/tea shop in cent kol will be with too much of crowd and noise...what about victoria maidan...?
recently i attended a clothed meet like this at CCD, janpath, Delhi organised by shanky.
- 11 years ago
i m coming to kolkata on 20th this month.. see you guys then!
- 11 years ago
nice idea guys ... now lets just turn it into reality
- 11 years ago
Victoria Maidan is fine too. Or maybe any bar cum restaurant in Park street.
- 11 years ago
The point is to meet and discuss the matter and to give it a concrete shape. It doesn't matter whether the meeting is clothed or nude. As it will set the basic principles of the whole concept, the discussion is more important than the attire. I know a coffee shop in camac street, its one of my favourite joint. Its always empty and we can discuss at a stretch without been disturbed.Its Cafe Lounge opposite Industry House and diagonally opposite to Shantiniketan Building.
- 11 years ago
Good place kings. You all can have a peaceful discussion there.
- 11 years ago