Bicycling Nudists

Peopel that love to ride bicycles, nude,or otherwise. I would be nice to have a meet somewheres and ride for 10-100 miles on a given weekend. Such as a rails to trails conversion, or a segmetn of a highwa, such as teh Natchez Trace. OR meet up at a nudist resort, adn bring our bikes!

I saw a young man riding a bicycle wearing only short running shorts rolled up so that they only covered about as much as a swim brief. I wondered if he was training for the upcoming WNBR in Philadelphia.
I saw him in Ocean Grove. This community is very accepting of shirtless men and brief swimwear. On the other hand, businesses are not allowed to serve or sell alcohol and the beach is closed until 12:30 on Sunday until church services are finished.

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RE:Almost Nude

This post reminds me of the "cover-up" garments I used on my first nude cycle rides.
They are pictured below.
I wore the yellow one to ride through the local town and got a second look from the young lady passenger of a pasing car.

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RE:Almost Nude

He wasn't that close to nude!

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RE:Almost Nude

I love that short shorts for men are coming back! I saw someone this weekend biking in what looked like short inseam bike shorts, also shirtless, loved it!

I need new bike shorts. Hopefully I can get them with a shorter inseam.

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RE:Almost Nude

I love that short shorts for men are coming back! I saw someone this weekend biking in what looked like short inseam bike shorts, also shirtless, loved it!
For me they never went away.

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RE:Almost Nude

I love that short shorts for men are coming back! I saw someone this weekend biking in what looked like short inseam bike shorts, also shirtless, loved it!For me they never went away.Oh, me too, but now were not such an oddity anymore

Me too, I always liked the nylon running shorts and here in Ft. Lauderdale when I go to the gym I notice a lot more guys wearing shorter shorts. It used to be me and maybe 1 or 2 other old farts like me. One thing I have noticed is a lot of younger people are wearing the shorter shorts. I guess for them it is something new and cool and not like the longer shorts that their fathers wore.
As they say, What is old is new again. Fashion trends tend to cycle

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RE:Almost Nude

I live near two colleges.
Many of the men run in very short shorts, sometimes split to the waist, and are shirtless.
Either young men are getting more comfortable with wearing very little or running is an exception.

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RE:Almost Nude

A young man who looked like a college student was riding a bicycle wearing running shorts split up to the waist today.

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RE:Almost Nude

I love that short shorts for men are coming back! I saw someone this weekend biking in what looked like short inseam bike shorts, also shirtless, loved it!I need new bike shorts. Hopefully I can get them with a shorter inseam.

Couldn't find any short bike shorts for men, so I bought a pair that is about the same length as the ones I have now.

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