Bicycling Nudists

Peopel that love to ride bicycles, nude,or otherwise. I would be nice to have a meet somewheres and ride for 10-100 miles on a given weekend. Such as a rails to trails conversion, or a segmetn of a highwa, such as teh Natchez Trace. OR meet up at a nudist resort, adn bring our bikes!

Santa Ana Canyon Trail - Orange County, CA

Just curious if anyone has made this ride in the nude? There is a significant secluded stretch from Corona to Yorba Linda/Anaheim Hills that can be done after hours in the nude...

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has anyone purchased or rode a 29er, i have been looking at the mongoose 29er front and rear disk brakes and shimano gears, i still like my mongoose but the 29er is impressive, i have a front disk but the regular cam rear brakes and when riding a...

Any Home Mechanics?

OK, all of us are in this group because we enjoy riding bicycles. My question is, how many others consider themselves to be home mechanics? Personally, I restore vintage bikes, my main interest being English 3 speeds.