Bicycling Nudists

Peopel that love to ride bicycles, nude,or otherwise. I would be nice to have a meet somewheres and ride for 10-100 miles on a given weekend. Such as a rails to trails conversion, or a segmetn of a highwa, such as teh Natchez Trace. OR meet up at a nudist resort, adn bring our bikes!

Riding through the west of the US this year

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Hi, I'm planning to ride through the west of the US this year. I'll start in Edmonton, Canada, where my solar powered e-assisted recumbent trike is stored over the winter. In May 2025 I'll start and drive south to the US. I will mainly stay in the west and try to visit some national parks on the way. Maybe I'll see some of you on the road. Flag me down, when you spot me. I'm easy to recognize on my unusual trike and trailer.

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