Bisexual Nudist Man And Woman

Everyone bi nudist/naturist who likes to show his/her nude body and also likes to look at other people's nude bodies.

Became bi late in life

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I have only recently realised that I was bi when I became interested in cock more than I was in pussy.
Now I love it and wish I was bi years ago.
I have told my wife and she was ok with, saying she thought I was bi owing to the interest I was taking in cock and cum.
I love wearing panties and wear them every day.
Now I'm into sharing cock pics and video which my wife takes for me and enjoy live camming on what's app or Skype.
Also want to cam with couples.

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RE:Became bi late in life

I too am a late bi guy. Love it, the only difference for me is that gf has found out and dont like it

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RE:Became bi late in life

I 'm with you completely discovered the male form appeals me sexually , so instead feeling negative with the realization I chose to accept it.

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RE:Became bi late in life but don't know what to do!

Easy Robert. Find a couple of decent looking guys on here from your area, or visit a local nudist resort. Tell them where you're at, and invite them to your house. Put on your hottest bi or gay porn, and invite everyone to get naked! Wrap your hand around both of your visitors cock and give them a few strokes to let them know it's OK to touch. The rest will handle itself. It is important to have at least two guests though, in case you chicken out. That way they can still have a good time with each other!

As for me, after being rabidly heterosexual all my life, I was gobsmacked to find out in the first 30 seconds that I LOVED the feeling of another man's cock in my mouth!

"There is no try. There is do, or do not do." Master Yoda

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RE:Became bi late in life

I agree with your suggestion that 10% are gay, 10% are straight and the rest are in-between. Throughout my life I've wrestled with which side of the fence I was on. I'm not openly gay but as I get older I find myself leaning more towards an attraction to men around my age , I enjoy their relaxed approach to their sexuality and find a lot of married men who enjoy exploring their own likes and dislikes that perhaps they can't with their wives. I'm particularly attracted to hairy masculine men. I'm not effeminate or wear women's clothes. I think women look better in them.
I hope you settle into a comfortable place and explore your naked self in the company of men and women.
If you're interested in corresponding. I am always available. I'm an exhibitionist by nature and feel comfortable in my own skin.
I was married until 10years ago when I started to have more sexual arousal looking at naked men at the beach and nudist camps and started to give in to my desires and preferences.
I hope you take this message in the spirit it's meant.

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RE:Became bi late in life

Wow, you're such a lucky guy.
Before I was married a had several sexual experiences with guys. I had a relationship on and off with one guy for around 18 months. I just love the feeling of a hard cock in my mouth and inside me.
When I got married I told my wife about my sexuallity but she didn't understand it, so that was the end of that. We've been married 14 years now and I feel I need to experience sex with another man again. I think I'm going to have to open that discussion in the not too distant future with my wife and hope she understands and accepts my needs. It's a bit scary though!

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RE:Became bi late in life

Hey Andy, Good luck to you. I have always wanted to be in a relationship with a woman who would accept me for being bisexual. I think there is a general perception that everything is strictly binary. So from that perspective, if you enjoy sex with me, you must actually be gay and are not in love with the woman. I would guess that there is a fear of loss and jealousy component in many people with an insecurity that they might lose their partner, but then, why would it be more likely with a man than a woman? Cheers!

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RE:Became bi late in life

Yep you're right. Unfortuantly when I raised my sexuality with my Wife before we were married she basically said when we are married, sex with anyone other than her, male or Female would be cheating. She didn't seem to understand that my having sex with a man was no reflection on her, but a need for me in order to feel like a whole person. I would never leave her or my kids, I love them all dearly, but she didn't really understand where I'm coming from.

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RE:Became bi late in life

A bit of an update on my previous post.
After a week of working up the courage, I raised the topic of my bi sexuality with my wife one evening while sitting in bed.
Although she knew I had been with men before we were married, she was genuinely shocked, saying she thought it was in my past and all over.
She asked several questions about what it meant. I told her being bisexual for me at least, dosn't go away, but that I had repressed this side of me because she didn't understand it. I told her I wanted to be with her for always and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that or betray her trust, but felt I had to get this out into the open. She wanted to know if this meant I wanted to have a full on relationship with a man alongside our marriage. I said I would imagine it being more of an occasional catch up with a man rather than a relationship. We discussed the type of sex I was interested in - oral and anal - and why I feeI I need it to feel whole.
She told me it would feel strange for her knowing I had had sex with a man, but she didn't want me feeling less than whole by not having it.
So that's where we are at the moment. She will take a week or two to think about it, to see if she can accept it. It just feels so good having discussed this with her, and who knows, she may come back and say she can accept it, and I am free to act on this side of me. In the mean time, we have become more affectionate with each other, hugs, kisses, touches etc, so that's great too!

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RE:Became bi late in life

Had another chat with my Wife last night.
With my heart pounding I asked her if she had thought about our discussion from the other night or needed more time. This led to another long and at times uncomfortable (for her) discussion. For some reason, once I had raised the topic again, I was totally relaxed and comfortable. I asked her lots of questions, she asked me lots of questions. Ultimately, for her the thought of 2 men engaging in sex was 'weird'. Strangely, when I asked her how she felt about 2 women having sex, she was more accepting. A bit of a double standard there, but I didn't question it.
The result?
Although she thought it was weird, she tried her best to understand it. She said she loved and trusted me, and if this was something I felt I needed to do, then I have her permission to go ahead. All she asked in return was for me to keep it honest. In other words, if I met a man and we decided to have sex, she wanted to know, but she was very clear she didn't want to know the details of the act.
So, there you go! I have permission to express this side of me! This has been such a relief for me, and underlines why I love my wife so much. I have totally underestimated her and as a result, out of fear I have lived with a heavy secret which was totally unnecessary.
Perhaps many of you reading this might be in the same boat. Maybe it's time to consider raising the topic with your Wife?
Good luck if you do!

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RE:Became bi late in life

I certainly relate to this topic.
I was fully hetero until my marriage ended about 20 years ago and I began frequenting naturist places like I had done as a young man. That's when I came into contact with guys who enjoyed mansex. They would hit on me and soon I responded. I could always get a wank when I needed one even though I continued to pursue women and had several affairs.
As I got older I had more difficulty in finding attractive women and I began to want more from men than just a wank. I was introduced to nipple play and spanking by men I met at naturist beaches. Through a BDSM website a met an experienced master who lifted my remaining hetero inhibitions and prepared me to enjoy more fully my encounters with men.
I don't think of myself as gay. I still love an attractive woman, but don't expect to meet one who fancies me. I'm as horny as ever, especially since I took up modelling. But now I'm fully committed to mansex. I love it.

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