Bisexual Nudist Man And Woman

Everyone bi nudist/naturist who likes to show his/her nude body and also likes to look at other people's nude bodies.

How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

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I recently came out to my wife that I am bisexual and would like to meet a man for sex. She was initially shocked but after several discussions spread over a few weeks gave me her permission to go ahead. Im not looking to sleep around. I want to meet a guy my age or younger, who may also be married, is in good reasonable physical condition, is easy going, has a good sense of humour and is interested in a dedicated regular or semi regular meet up, and also dosn't sleep around. I'm live in the Central Highlands of Queensland, Australia. I've tried a few online sites, but everyone just seems to want to score and move on to the next conquest.
How do I meet a good man?

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

I have no suggests for that, but I am so happy for you Andy! You must have needed to be honest with yourself and be honest with your wife. She obviously understands and trusts you, and that is great! I think some of the best relationships come when people can be honest with one another, and not rely on each other for ALL of their needs. Your wife is seems to be a great lady to come to understand and accept this. Best of luck to you, and let us know how this works!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

Good question.
First Im happy for you. It was a brave decision to tell your wife . I hope it continues to work out for you both.
My gf suggested and encouraged I explore the experience of being with another man and while I never gave it any thought previously the discussion open the door and my mind to the possibilities. I dabbled and found I was enjoying myself.
Now I would say Im in the same place. Most guys ( it seems ) just want a quick liaison. Thats ok for a while but
I hope you find a guy that works for you and your wife. Good luck

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

So happy for you and your wife, and wish you well in your search.

I am minded that our default human nature is bisexual.

That it is only the need for the few to control the many that we get conditioned to think otherwise.

Best wishes in your search and may you and your wife live a fulfilled fully examined life.

Hugs xxx

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

Good luck, i hope you find the ideal person local to you. Very best wishes.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

Hi all, firstly thanks so much for your positive comments and best wishes.
I thought I'd update you and let you know how things are progressing.
I ended up joining Grindr a few weeks ago, and although it's got a reputation for guys wanting quick hook ups, once I let them know what I'm looking for, they were all very respectful and supportive. I started chatting with 2 lovely guys whose values aligned with mine, and it's been so good knowing other guys are in a similar boat to me.
I'm going to be meeting up with one of them this week, and we've agreed that if all goes well, we will continue meeting exclusively with each other. I'll let you know how it goes!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

I'm really happy for you Andy. I've found that authentic happiness is seeking the truth in what your real needs are. Much easier said than done when people want to think of themselves in a certain image, and convey that image to others. I am very curious to watch how your growth progresses and hope everything works out for you and all involved.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

This is a great example of men supporting men without judgement. The world needs more of this whether aligned with the details or not. Bravo!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

This is a great example of men supporting men without judgement. The world needs more of this whether aligned with the details or not. Bravo!

100%!! There's too much judging in the world. We should all support each other without judgment.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

We have the best luck on different apps, yes theres a ton who just wanna hookup (which we don't mind) but theres a few that are looking for ongoing friends. Just add it into your bio and good luck.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:How do I meet a good bisexual man for semi regular meets?

You must have needed to be honest with yourself and be honest with your wife. She obviously understands and trusts you, and that is great! I think some of the best relationships come when people can be honest with one another, and not rely on each other for ALL of their needs.

I am minded that our default human nature is bisexual.

I've been reading a book about polyamory called "The Ethical Slut," and was surprised about the humility of its message that we can explore and take care of ourselves through multiple sexual relationships while using healthy consent and communication to take care of those we love and care for. I agree that as humans we are often too complex to find a single partner to be happy to share all of our needs and desires, from sex to recreation, finance and child rearing, and still keep growing and evolving. I've also thought about the idea of being "faithful" and "loyal" that it's often just focused on sex, whereas being emotionally, spiritually and intellectually loyalty is disregarded. To survive and adapt, we need to evolve with others in a healthy enough way to keep on coming back to one another and finding our strength and peace. I don't know what this means for me now as a single dad whose sons have just left me an empty nester, but I am grateful for having a broader perspective now than when they were born.

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  • 2 years ago