Black Nudist
Celebrating Nudism in the Minority Community
I am not Black
Return to DiscussionsHowever I really find Black skin and bodies attractive and love to look at both men and women. I hope it is ok to join the group
- 8 months ago
Yeah could beThat just sounds like fetishizing us.
- 8 months ago
nude black is beautiful.
- 8 months ago
Thanks for sharing your perspective. It can be a real challenge for people who dont share the lived experience of black people to understand why this even a thing for black people and other people of color. As you point out the focus in on the body of the person and not who they are. From a nudist perspective the focus ought to be on the person not their body. It begs the question is the only reason you like black people because of our bodies? That feels objectifying to me. There are several group that focus on black women on this site that have that kind of fetishization vibe.Though, it can be an interesting topic. The line between appreciation and fetishization.This thread is pretty unambiguous. "I like black people because I like to look at your bodies" is pretty textbook fetishization.Contrasting this with the principle of "black is beautiful", that we shouldn't be ashamed of our features. I think one major difference is that concept is self-directed.I don't see anything wrong with someone liking my skin colour, but if that's the only thing they can think to compliment me on, then I really doubt that they're viewing me as a person.Lennon456 and Richardo4242 are giving strong impressions that the only value they see in us is aesthetic.
- 7 months ago
I myself feel the same way I grew up in the south and a lot of my friends growing up where black, I think black people are beautiful inside and out
- 3 months ago