Board Games

This for anyone who still plays good old fashioned board games, like Scrabble, Monopoly, playing cards, etc. Have you already played games naked tell us your stories. Next anyone plays a board game please post photos.

What board games would like for christmas, are there games you played as a child you would like to play again now older and naked?

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RE: Board Games

I would like to play Twister.

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RE:Board Games

I've been in the board gaming hobby for almost 2 years now and have put together quite an impressive board game collection. On occasion, my naturist club will have a game night or two, which is always cool.

I highly recommend the TableTop web series to give you an idea of some of the board games that are out there today, some of which are in my collection and I enjoy immensely. Dice Tower is another web series I highly recommend.

I'll close with my Top 10 as presently listed at, another great resource for board gamers:

1. Smash Up - this is a card game where you take two factions (20 cards each), shuffle them together, and play for control of bases.
2. Lords of Waterdeep - this is a D&D-based Eurogame with area control and hidden roles.
3. Carcassonne - a tile-laying Eurogame where you build cities, roads and so on and place meeples to score points.
4. Android: Netrunner - a 2-player LCG (Living Card Game) where one player is a corporation, the other a hacker; you're trying to score agendas. (Full disclosure: I occasionally work with Fantasy Flight Games as part of their demo team, and this is one of the games we demo.)
5. Chez Geek - a very humorous card game where you're roommates trying to slack off. My copy features a customized Nude Beach card.
6. Suburbia - another tile-laying game where you're building a city, but totally different from Carcassonne.
7. Rex: Final Days of an Empire - another Fantasy Flight title (but not one we demo), this is a reskin of the classic Dune board game reset in FFG's Twilight Imperium universe. This is the longest game in my collection (2-3 hours). (Twilight Imperium itself infamously takes 6 hours to play.)
8. Tokaido - worker-placement game where you're basically taking a traditional Japanese vacation.
9. Seasons - a card-and-dice-based Eurogame where you're collecting energies and casting spells.
10. Kobayakawa - a very quick betting game.

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RE:Board Games

Monopoly is always good. A couple of out there card games would be Cards Against Humanity as well as Weed. Both are fun playing with friends

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RE:Board Games

A favorite of mine is Bananagrams. It's a word game similar to Scrabble in that you keep adding words but it moves a lot faster than Scrabble. Nice thing is that you can wear as much or as little as you like!

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