Body Paint And Balloon Creations

Share pics of body paint and balloon creations. Feel free to share techniques of these unique forms of expression.


Just wondering is there a body painting artist in the central MO. area would love to be decorated and able to put some new photos here. I have absolutely zero artistic capabilites.

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Buffalo area

Any artists that feel the urge to paint someone in the Buffalo area, send me a message!

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Buffalo area

Any artists that feel the urge to paint someone in the Buffalo area, send me a message!

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Hello - New to the group!

I have not been to a nude body painting event but would love to. So, if anyone at anytime has information about an event around Tennessee I would love to be inform and I will do the same for everyone else. :-)

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Paradise Valley body painting event

There was a body painting event at Paradise Valley in Georgia last month. I was wondering if anyone from this group heard how it was? I wanted to go but was unable to.

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SE Wisconsin Bowling in the BUFF

Spring Meet n Greet come one come all Contact Paul or Jane 262-673-2919 or

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new to this group

I think Body Painting is fascinating, I would like to have it done to me and if people could tell that I am nude.

North-west UK anyone?

I have always wanted to be body-painted. I just love the idea of my body being used as a natural artists canvas, it's been a huge dream for years now. Are there any artists around the Manchester area looking to branch out on canvas types and...

new to this group

am in Kent UKand have always been interested in body paintings. I would definitely like to be painted especially for events etc

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