Bodyart Nudists

For anyone with body art - tattoos, piercings, jewellery or body paint. Lets explore the way we embellish the naked body.

Being asked to

Lately I've had requests to do piercings, after much experience in piercing myself with less pain than when the professionals did it.

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Coppy duck

I was contacted by a Donald Duck-man on Flickr. He had copied my duck tattoo and asked if I minded. That tatt is not common as it was my own design. He also chose much the same place for the tatt. But our piercings are different.

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Why not do it?

In another group someone said they couldn't understand WHY anyone would want to get pierced or get a tattoo. Maybe it's like Marmite - some love it, some hate it. Maybe 30 years ago I was in a life drawing class. The model caused a...

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Carried away

I got myself a piercing needle. The trouble is when I get bored. I stick the needle through myself and do another piercing. I now have 16 piercings, twelve of which are in my genitals. They do look a bit cluttered so maybe I should limit myself. I...

Painting bodies

Over Christmas I painted some festive decorations on my friend and myself (a Christmas tree and some holly). A very attractive young lady saw them and asked if I'd paint her - as a mermaid. The next day she waited patiently naked un the beach...

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by kellyk 
Conversation starter

When I see someone with piercings (other than ear rings) or tattoos I ask them about them. Tattoos each have a particular importance to the wearer. So to piercings but to a lesser extent. It also gives me the opportunity to ask it they have any...

The what and where of tattoos

A tattoo is for life. So each one is special. How did you chose what tattoo to have - it's design and position. I did the design for my tattoos myself. I've always been fond of ducks. I put them on everything I owns and (as a trademark) on...

Body painting

Always wanted to be bodyed painted any partys in michigan

Anyone here

I would post some pictures of my wife here if there's any interest in them.

Naturist clubs not allowing tattoos or...

I'm a biker born and bred and I belong to a motorcycle club. I have recently come out as a naturist thanks to my amazing friend and am thoroughly enjoying my new freedom which is wonderful. I have tattoos and my friend has piercings but we have...