Breast Enhancement/ Reduction

This is for all women and their husbands or partners who have help them get or go through with their cosmetic surgery. You can share or show off your before and after pics and share how it made you feel before or after the surgery.

Our First Pics.

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Its so nice to hear the messages and emails I received from my TN friends regarding their breast enhancements.
Its such a Great Feeling of knowing you look much better and of course my hubby is proud of me.
I think woman should be proud of their bodies and sometimes it's necessary coz of medical conditions.
Women and friends are starting to post and send me also some of their pics.
Im proud of ALL of my friends with Nice Breast Enhancements or Reductions.
Be PROUD and submit your pics and you can see my pics also.

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More pics.

We got some of our friends who got their breast Implants this year and here is their pics. They SURE LOOK NICE!Anyone feel free to contact us and make some comments to our friends pics.

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