Brisbane Nudist Group
For people that are interested in going nude in brisbane and meeting others socially .
In a couple of weeks there's another movie night coming up[3rd oct] so if you coming along to it you better mark it in your diary, be there or be square''
Hi there' there's been a change of theme for this Saturday night, no longer a movie night , but a social gettogether for nudist guys in Brisbane...from now on movies will only be featured occasionally. guys come on over hangout with...
A friend from Melbourne and I went to A bay a couple of week ago.We may as well have been laying in Hastings Street with the number of textile visitors walking past.I used to live on the Sunshine Coast have been going to A bay for 25 years.Sadly, I...
Hi all. Just joined this group. Not much on my profile, but I am 51, long grey beard. I love being nude. I live on the northside of Brisbane.I'm wondering if anyone walks around their neighbourhood nude in the early hours of the morning....
There's another movie night coming up on SEPTEMBER 5th, the weather is warming up slightly, Starts 7pm, at gaythorne , for further information post a email to this website...john
Hi ' coming up on the 1st of AUGUST is the regular movie night held on the north side of Brisbane,,the movies have been the action or the thriller type story.. so please join us for a entertaining night in the flesh with a little warmth from...
Hi, We will be holding a meetup on Sunday 26th July from 2pm - 7pm at a residence in Carina in Brisbane's inner-city area. $10 entry, BYO, and clothing optional for the first hour then strictly nude thereafter. The theme is a discussion forum...
Hello there guys' Our next movie night is coming up on July 4th, Come along and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere ,scarves and uggh boots are can be a couch potato on our couch..everyone welcome, send emails to this web page for...
hI THERE' I'm having a birthday party tomorrow[sat20th june] and I'm having a nude birthday party'' If there are any Brisbane guys who want to help celebrate my birthday' you are welcome to email me for details, there are...