Brisbane Nudist Group
For people that are interested in going nude in brisbane and meeting others socially .
Hi Another successful night at the movies, The venue was heated for a comfortable nude viewing of a couple of movies such as "Gone Girl" and "Kingsmen". we missed your presence there' So get off those sofas and toss off the...
gday guys. i know this isnt the best place to put this but i am looking for a room to rent in brisbane. 30yo, gay, i have a cat, galah and 2 bearded dragons. can afford upto $260 a fortnight. if anyone can help or has any suggestions on where to...
In a few weeks the next movie night will be motion, The date is june 6th,time 6:30pm,place;72taylors rd Gaythorne, dare to bare with willy warmers for warmth..hope to see more guys there''......john
Hi Guy's Just a reminder that our next movie night is on May2nd[this Saturday] so get of that couch and head on down to a movie night ala 'naturale''. all you guys who missed out previously ,come on over....starts 6:30pm
Hi there' guys. Our next movie night is on the 11th APRIL, at 6:30pm[72 taylors rd Gaythorne] so bring your popcorn and jaffas and enjoy movies in the buff..see you there'' john
Seems Boondall Wetlands has disappeared from all listings..... is it still a possibility for a bit of nudist time ?If so where and how do you get there.... will be in Brisbane to-morrow and have a few hours to waste !Cheers Ken
Hi all,There will be a movie night on Saturday 18th April at Wombine in Bundamba. Starts at 4pm and goes till 10pm. Will be screening the films "Act Naturally" and "Free The Nipple".Please contact if...
Is there anyone who's interested in meeting up in the Toowong area for lunches on weekdays and can host?
Hey there Guys who attend andthose thatread the invite each month, We're having another nude movie night on the 7th of March, starting 6:30pm at 72 taylors rd Gaythorne,,Bring your popcorn''
On February 7th we are having our next gettogether at the clubhouse in my backgarden' it starts at 6:30pm , any guys who haven't hungout here yet are welcome to come around....[72 taylors rd Gaythorne]any enquiries ph33550028