Bromance SP

The relationship between two guys, heterosexual or a bit homo, it doesnt matter. It is a deep understanding of friendship for one another, that counts complicity and who has more affection, even if it manages jokes about being gay or not ... this is not the point. The most important thing is the support it offers to one another. Do you believe that? Did you have the chance to live like a...

Sunshine Coast Mates

Looking for guys of any age to hang out together. Been a nudist for 50 years so no surprises or judgements here. Still young at heart, looking for fun and shared adventures or just taking it quietly and relaxing together. Keen on swimming, natural...

Latest PostSure thing
by nude4u2019 
Madrid & Budapest host 25.09.-28.09.

Hello people! I am comming for a short visit to beautiful Madrid at 25.09.-27.09. and I hope to meet someone of you there. I hope to find a host too. I am active on couchsurfing. So please text me and if you can host me 2 night, it would be awesome....

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So Paulo- BR

Ola, sou novo na pratica de nudismo e procuro um parceiro fmz pra pratica e companheirismo.... Tendo em vista que tive poucas experincias, gostaria de encontrar alguem pra conversar, curtir, viajar Sou de Sao Paulo, Brasil e seria interessante...


Amigos, tivemos uma iniciativa de propor pessoas interessadas de Bromance em SP aqui no forum - mas acaba sendo um ambiente limitado - bora para outras plataformas que permitem a gente conversar com mais facilidade? Com a polemica recente do...

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Central Florida?

Hey guys Looking for friends in the Central Florida/Orlando area. Anyone in the group in the area?

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Central Florida?

Hey guys Looking for friends in the Central Florida/Orlando area. Anyone in the group in the area?

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what is bromance for you ...

what bromance is for you ... how does it manifest itself, what is sought, what is done .... I would like, together with you, to understand more.

Cyber BRO?

Looking for a "LTR" (real cyber riendship) with a Bro (Str8, Bi, Gay, Curious, nule, etc) confidence and many hobbies to talk too

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by felixsoutham 
Bonfire -- Men Only -- Platonic -- Nudity...

Who knows, maybe a bromance or two will trace its origin back to this bonfire. Bonfire at my place as soon as the trees are covered in leaves Springfield MO Area Send me a private message if you'd like additional information ~ Men Only ~ Male...

what is a bromance to you?

I guess bromance is subjective. For me, it doesnt need sexual but I think it involves at least some level of physical intimacy. Personally, I cant have a bromance with just anyone. I have to feel emotionally and physically connected. Bromance...