Buff Quilting

A group who loves quilting, fabric, and anything related to including wearable art--when we wear anything, that is. Nude quilting may sound odd, but in cold weather sitting nude in front of a fire stitching away can be heaven. The idea here is to share stories, information, and questions, and to create a very unique group of quilters--the bare ones!

Tardy welcome...

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Hello, and welcome to Buff Quilting! I've been offline for a while--not quilting, more's the pity--and unfortunately didn't get back to approving new memberships very quickly.
So, please forgive my tardiness, if you would.We've been working on our Old House and have been taking a leaded glass class so we can rebuild some damaged windows. I daresay we'll be wearing aprons to cut the glass and solder the joints!
If you're working on a project, please feel free to talk about it. Got a question or a tip, please do post it.

Thanks, and see you around!

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