Business Travel Hotel Nudist Buds(

This group is for all business or regular travelers looking to meet other nudist travelers or locals for hanging out nude . Post where you traveling and your dates

The first thing I do when I get into my hotel room is strip down, take a shower after a journey and hang nude.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Hotel Nudist

Count me in. I'm always nude in the hotel for as long as I can be.

You ever run into others nudes in your stays?

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  • a year ago
RE:Hotel Nudist

I once had a job where I worked from home, but had to commute to Austin, Tx (350+ mi) for 2 weeks every other month. I stayed in a budget hotel in the suburbs near the company I was contracted with. It was a safe area w/o any worries. I always had an upstairs room near the end of the balcony and when the weather was good, I would often work at my desk at night after returning with only a long button down baseball jersey on. Didn't have a lot of traffic, but occasionally someone would walk by.
Sometimes I had to stay in a hotel Holiday Inn that had interior doors and back then I smoked. I would then button up the long jersey shirt and go out to the rear parking lot and have a smoke. Back then there were no cams, so I could safely unbutton the jersey and allow the wind to flow over my exposed body. It was great freedom.
Things are different these days and with the plethora of cams from ALL angles, I wouldn't do this anymore. But from the privacy of the room I would be naked all the time after entering the room.

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  • a year ago
RE:Hotel Nudist

I decided recently, that I'm just going to say that to the random fellow business traveler I end up chatting with at the hotel bar. Something like, "I cannot wait to get out of these stuffy work clothes... why is being naked in a hotel room after a day of work so rewarding?" See how they react and go from there. Most business travelers are just lonely... it's not a glamorous life, so I certainly welcome naked hangs with folks I meet along the way.

I wonder is this technique has worked?

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Hotel Nudist

Love getting to my room after a long day of travel and stripping immediately, then unpacking, then just chill naked all night! Traveling all week here again this week! Anyone near Washington Dulles Airport?

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  • 9 months ago
RE:Hotel Nudist

As soon as I check in and close the door, my clothes are off. On a cruise, Im always naked in my cabin and on the balcony. Ive had many cabin stewards catch me naked.

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  • 3 months ago